The Lucas Law of Planetary Development

I know the Lucas Law of Planetary Development states that ice planets are only ice planets, jungle planets are only jungle planets, desert planets are only desert planets, and planetwide cities are big freaking cities, but the Lucas Law of Planetary Development forgets one very important fact. Earth isn’t one climate. And for the LucasContinue reading “The Lucas Law of Planetary Development”

Attack of the Clones and Star Trek: Nemesis

Here’s a question. Why aren’t Star Trek films an event the way summer and Christmas blockbusters are? Is it because they don’t get the coverage in the media–Premiere, Variety, Entertainment Weekly, and that ilk? Is it because a film about Jean-Luc Picard and his gang of goons is basically the same thing as the otherContinue reading “Attack of the Clones and Star Trek: Nemesis”