Yes, I scored tickets to BBC America’s “Asylum of the Daleks” Doctor Who screening in New York yesterday. You may have heard horror stories about acquiring tickets. My luck may be lousy in everything else, but the one time it counted the luck came through. 🙂 I made two “immediate reaction” tweets. The first: “HolyContinue reading “On BBC America’s “Asylum of the Daleks” Screening”
Category Archives: Doctor Who
On The Minister of Chance Movie Trailer
I received an e-mail today from the producers of The Minister of Chance audio drama to announce the release of a short movie trailer. Before we get to the movie trailer, what exactly is The Minister of Chance? I have a hunch that many of you reading may not have heard of this. Well, it’sContinue reading “On The Minister of Chance Movie Trailer”
On Widows, Blue Boxes, and Christmas Trees
Saturday night, as I did my last Christmas wrapping, I watched Santa Claus Conquers the Martians. It’s been my Christmas Eve tradition for several years now, though last year, as I was in Raleigh for Christmas, I didn’t have the opportunity to watch the film. As I watched the film this year, I had aContinue reading “On Widows, Blue Boxes, and Christmas Trees”
On New Doctor Who Christmas Special Announcements
The BBC has made some announcements about this year’s Doctor Who Christmas Special, starring Matt Smith. Filming began last week. The story will be set during World War II and its guest cast includes Claire Skinner, Bill Bailey, Alexander Armstrong, and Arabella Weir. Weir, by the way, played the Doctor in Big Finish’s audio playContinue reading “On New Doctor Who Christmas Special Announcements”
More on Doctor Who Spin-Off Thinking
A couple of weeks ago, I mused on potential Doctor Who spin-offs. I’m not the only one. SyFy’s Blastr website yesterday posted an article on the five modern Who characters who deserve spin-off series: River Song Liz X Canton Everett Delaware III Sally Sparrow Martha Jones Let’s set aside the fact that the last twoContinue reading “More on Doctor Who Spin-Off Thinking”
On Revisiting Paul McGann’s Doctor Who Movie
For the first time in a decade, I watched Paul McGann’s single televised outing as the Doctor. The Doctor Who television movie, aired on Fox in 1996, has been unavailable in North America on video or DVD since, well, forever, due largely to the rights issues between the BBC, Vivendi-Universal, and Fox itself, over howContinue reading “On Revisiting Paul McGann’s Doctor Who Movie”
On Doctor Who: Touched by an Angel
In college, two twenty-somethings have a near-miss romantic moment, and in the years that follow they remain in each other’s lives as relationships change, work situations develop, and parents die in a will-they-won’t-they dance until, one day on a foreign holiday, they realize that they really do belong together. But their happiness is short livedContinue reading “On Doctor Who: Touched by an Angel”
On Two Doctors and Their T-Shirts
I arrived home from work yesterday to find that three packages had arrived. One package was a Monty Python CD. I mentioned a few weeks ago that I had none of the comedy troupe’s recorded albums. Now I own six. Of the studio albums, I now lack only Another Monty Python Record and Matching ShirtContinue reading “On Two Doctors and Their T-Shirts”
On the Almost Adequate “Almost People”
When last we left off in this series of Doctor Who reviews, BBC America had shown “The Rebel Flesh” before taking a brief hiatus for the Memorial Day holiday. Last night, BBC America returned Who to North American television screens with “The Almost People,” the second part of a two-part story about a mining baseContinue reading “On the Almost Adequate “Almost People””
On Art Prints and Good Deeds
Back in the halcyon days of October, I received an interesting package in the mail. There were two things in the package. One was a book for my niece, then not quite two. The other was a print for my stairwell gallery. The artwork was by James Hance. The book was “Wookie the Chew,” aContinue reading “On Art Prints and Good Deeds”