Random Screenshots from My Travels

I take screenshots of things I see while surfing the web. On my phone, on my desktop. Doesn’t matter. “Oh, that’s interesting/amusing/weird/useful.” I take a screenshot, because I might want to come back to it later. Of course, then I never do. And the result is a folder full of screenshots on my hard drive,Continue reading “Random Screenshots from My Travels”

Winter Solstice

It’s a cold one today! The winter solstice. “Halfway out of the dark.” It snowed furiously all day yesterday, and this morning everything was icy and frozen. I like seeing the snow on the hills over Red Lion and Windsor way, shining white in the sun. I really should have gone Thursday night to seeContinue reading “Winter Solstice”

Roads I Have Traveled: Or, the Madness of Facebook’s Algorithms

Facebook’s feed algorithm is famously weird. It often “thinks” I’m interested in businesses in the Memphis area. I’ve never been to Memphis. It once recommended an Orthodox subscription box service and another time an Episcopalian dating website. Recently, it thinks I’m interested in PG-13 rated Frozen content. I am not. I’ve seen the film onceContinue reading “Roads I Have Traveled: Or, the Madness of Facebook’s Algorithms”

A Cute, but Non-Functional, Bluetooth Keyboard

I bought my niece a keyboard. She turns 16 at the end of the month, and she is a budding writer and journalist. So when I was at Five Below a few weeks ago looking for other stuff, I saw a cute keyboard and bought it, a wireless Bluetooth typewriter-style keyboard. Look at it! It’sContinue reading “A Cute, but Non-Functional, Bluetooth Keyboard”