I’m getting better at this backgammon thing. I still lose half the time, but I’m getting the hang of it. I do think xgammon cheats, because it comes up with just the right role to do damage far too often to be chance, but broadly speaking, I’m holding my own. I cannot access Facebook onContinue reading “Getting Better”
Category Archives: Life
Hunt Valley Sunset
A Warm January Day
Today was the first day with temperatures above freezing in about a week and a half. I drove over to the state park overlooking the Susquehanna to get some photos of the river, the bridges, and the hills beyond Columbia before the snow started to seriously melt. It was a nice drive. The road throughContinue reading “A Warm January Day”
Random Screenshots from My Travels
I take screenshots of things I see while surfing the web. On my phone, on my desktop. Doesn’t matter. “Oh, that’s interesting/amusing/weird/useful.” I take a screenshot, because I might want to come back to it later. Of course, then I never do. And the result is a folder full of screenshots on my hard drive,Continue reading “Random Screenshots from My Travels”
Winter’s Arrival
I didn’t get the two inches of snow yesterday that was possible, but what I got isn’t nothing. It’s very cold, blustery too, and the dry snow blows everywhere on the howling winds. And 8 to 12 inches are in the forecast for Monday-Tuesday. Spring is only eleven weeks away. Sigh
Winter Solstice
It’s a cold one today! The winter solstice. “Halfway out of the dark.” It snowed furiously all day yesterday, and this morning everything was icy and frozen. I like seeing the snow on the hills over Red Lion and Windsor way, shining white in the sun. I really should have gone Thursday night to seeContinue reading “Winter Solstice”
Seen About Town
I went out to my Beetle to retrieve a box from the trunk. A fat squirrel was dragging the remnants of a neighbor’s Halloween pumpkin across the parking lot. He froze, unable to decide if he should stay with the pumpkin or bolt, and it was clearly a tough decision; the pumpkin was almost asContinue reading “Seen About Town”
Roads I Have Traveled: Or, the Madness of Facebook’s Algorithms
Facebook’s feed algorithm is famously weird. It often “thinks” I’m interested in businesses in the Memphis area. I’ve never been to Memphis. It once recommended an Orthodox subscription box service and another time an Episcopalian dating website. Recently, it thinks I’m interested in PG-13 rated Frozen content. I am not. I’ve seen the film onceContinue reading “Roads I Have Traveled: Or, the Madness of Facebook’s Algorithms”
A Near Run Thing
This game of backgammon ended up being far closer than it had any right to be. I was meticulous not to leave anything unprotected… until a series of bad dice rolls left one piece unprotected, white would have to roll a 1 to take it, and white did. I won, but like Waterloo, it wasContinue reading “A Near Run Thing”
A Cute, but Non-Functional, Bluetooth Keyboard
I bought my niece a keyboard. She turns 16 at the end of the month, and she is a budding writer and journalist. So when I was at Five Below a few weeks ago looking for other stuff, I saw a cute keyboard and bought it, a wireless Bluetooth typewriter-style keyboard. Look at it! It’sContinue reading “A Cute, but Non-Functional, Bluetooth Keyboard”