I had to write up a product description for something Doctor Who-ish — Creation is doing some Who shotglasses with the TARDIS and the series logo.
I needed something catchy. Something the Doctor would drink.
It came to me.
I typed it up, giggling all the way.
Something along the lines of “If you’re going to put away a Gallifreyan Tickler with the Doctor, you’ll want these shotglasses yadda yadda yadda.”
A Gallifreyan Tickler? What’s that, you say?
There’s a Doctor Who fan audio from BTR Productions entitled “The Monopoly Pub Crawl of Doom” — the Doctor and his two companions land in London on Christmas Eve and get involved in a pub crawl. At one point the Doctor, very sloshed, asks for a Gallifreyan Tickler.
Yeah, it’s obscure. The number of people who would recognize the reference probably numbers under a thousand. The number of people who would recognize the reference and see the product listing? Could probably count that on a single hand.
But don’t think I didn’t enjoy writing that up. 😉
The text came back from Purchasing this afternoon, and it’s gone to Layout. The Gallifreyan Tickler, it’s going in the catalog. 🙂
I’m impressed. You managed to listen to more than two episodes of BTR Productions!
(You are already the top Google hit for “Gallifreyan tickler”.
I think I’ve listened to at least ten or twelve of BTR’s Who audios.
All of the Christmas stuff, the Teletubbies story, and I started on the “main” line, but somewhere around “Tragical History Tour” I bogged down.
Their production design is very good, but the repetoire casting hurts if you’re listening in quick succession.
One of these days, I’ll finish listening to the series.
I think I made it through three or four. It was Matthew Kopelke’s English accent that killed it for me. I could do better, and mine’s crap!
I guess I never really thought of Kopelke as trying an English accent. 🙂
I’m glad you enjoyed my first and only foray into writing for Dr Who, and I look forward to seeing the Gallifreyan Tickler in print!
Thanks to Allyn for using a BTR reference in his publishing work – am really pleased it was of help to him!
As for Steve Mollmann’s criticism of my voice, well, certainly in our first 2-3 stories I was desperately trying to put on an English accent. But from ‘Magical History Tour’ onwards, I basically dropped the attempt, and went to using my own natural accent.
My performance certainly improved from that story onwards, as I focused more of my energy into giving a half-decent performance, as opposed to a half-decent accent!
Hopefully, both Allyn and Steve are able to plug away at more of our stories, as I really think there’s some great material there (and amazingly, a lot of our audios forshadowed things RTD would do with the new series!).