It's done.
No, not the evil plan. (And please, people — stop asking me about my evil plan!)
I submitted my letter of resignation to EB Games today.
No, it wasn't profanity laced. I didn't even take the opportunity to castigate the company for its insane decisions this past year. There's no reason to burn bridges.
I'm sad, honestly. The truth of the matter is that, deep down, I loved working for EB Games. I loved the customers I worked with every day.
But I didn't love the time commitment that the job had become. My workweek crept upward from fifty hours a week to sixty-plus, and my workload increased, too. I thought back recently to last fall when Marco Palmieri asked me if I'd have the time in the Thanksgiving-Christmas window to write a short story, and I would never have thought I would have more time and energy then than I do now.
Time, I wrote in my letter of resignation, isn't a luxury.
So, what next?
Well, pack the house, obviously. Move to Baltimore. Find a job. And pretty much in that order.
I have two interviews lined up for when I get there.
I feel in some ways that I've jumped off a cliff with a bungie cord attached to my waist, only I'm not sure if it's anchored at the top. It's scary.
But I'll make it.