Here’s a collection of random ramblings taken from recent e-mails and ‘net postings, just to keep casual readers up-to-date on the things Allyn Gibson has written elsewhere….
On Jean-Luc Picard:
The Buried Age is a “Lost Era” novel. It’s about Picard’s “lost weekend” when he went to L.A., hung out with Harry Nilsson, recorded an album with Phil Spector, and hooked up with Yoko’s personal assistant.
Oh, wait. That’s John Lennon’s “lost weekend.”
On working hard:
Why do I have my headphones on if I have no music playing? There’s some sort of obvious oversight….
On objects in my cubicle:
I have a Batgirl action figure on my desk. I was admiring her bottom. Batgirl has a very nice bottom.
On reckless hate:
I fucking hate Jack Skellington now. Thank you so much, goth emo wannabes who buy the crap. Thank you ever so much.
On things fans wonder:
Who would win in a fight. Galactus? Or the Doomsday Machine?
On the Betty/Veronica question:
In my younger years, why couldn’t Archie have two girlfriends? I mean, everyone seemed satisfied by the situation, with Archie dating both, as long as he was attentive to each one’s needs.
Now, I wonder if they don’t have awesome threesomes every weekend. Obviously, they must be. It’s obvious, isn’t it?
On Allyn’s diet:
Ice cream for breakfast and lunch!
Yes, tacos for breakfast is Teh Coolness.
On Halloween:
Is the Great Pumpkin coming?
On television priorities:
I’ll keep watching Moonlight until it’s inevitably cancelled, just because of my long-standing crush on Sophia Myles.
On timeliness:
Never let it be said that I do things at the last minute. Well, I do, actually, but let’s not actually say that I do things last minute. 😉
On memory loss:
Something occurred to me today at work that I absolutely wanted to tell you about. So, of course, I naturally have forgotten what it was.
On improving the workplace:
You should write something in the survey about how they should offer key lime pie every day in the employee lunchroom. And that lunch breaks should be extended to two hours daily, except for Fridays where you get to knock off work at noon. And that they should also install a treadmill to promote employee fitness. And they need to put an aquarium in the lobby and stock it with lobsters, just to confuse people. And possibly frogs. And to create a more family-like atmosphere, they need a goat like you’d have at a petting zoo. And once a month, the company provides a BBQ luncheon. And new mousepads.
And lastly, something completely out-of-context:
And it came off, like a great coming off thing!