On BrickJournal

I love LEGO. No surprise there. Others decorate their cubicles at work with action figures. I have LEGO TIE-Fighters. If I could figure out a way of getting the USS Constellation to work safely, I’d decorate my cubicle with that, too. (Maybe in the spring, when I have a new cubicle on the fourth floor. Maybe.) And, of course, I want Doctor Who LEGO.

I received yesterday an e-mail from TwoMorrows Publishing. They’ve done an online LEGO magazine, BrickJournal, for a while now, and in the spring they’re moving into the printed world.

Dear LEGO enthusiast,

After years as a digital-only publication, BrickJournal magazine will finally be available in print form in late February, with a new issue #1, spotlighting all that’s great about LEGO. While it’ll still be available in digital form, the full-color print magazine will be available at select newsstands and bookstores throughout the US and Europe. But as with any new magazine, if stores don’t feel there’s demand for it, they won’t stock copies for you to purchase. So we need your support now, to ensure that BrickJournal #1 will be widely distributed, and will be able to continue to be published indefinitely!

There are three ways to make sure you get a copy of the first print issue:

1) Order directly from the publisher at www.twomorrows.com. (You can order a single copy of #1, or a four-issue subscription.) BONUS: If you order the print version directly from us, we’ll send you a link to a FREE digital edition, weeks before the print issue hits the stands! (Note: If you’ve already ordered directly from us, thanks! And please disregard this message.)

2) Order at your local comic book shop. You can find one near you by using the Comic Shop Locator Service at http://csls.diamondcomics.com/. BrickJournal is being distributed by Diamond Comic Distributors in their December PREVIEWS catalog, and the item code is DEC074065.

3) Ask your local chain bookstore (Barnes & Noble, Borders, etc.) to pre-order it through Ingram Periodical Distributors. NOTE: As with all new magazines, Ingram will probably place a very conservative order for BrickJournal until they see how the first few issues sell, so this is the least likely way to make sure you get a copy.

However you choose to order, now is the time to show your support for BrickJournal. We’ll be setting the print run for issue #1 on January 10, so the only way to insure you don’t miss out, is to order your copy immediately. Otherwise, there may not be extra printed copies available once it goes on sale in February.

Please be sure to spread the word about the print edition, and thanks for your continued support of BrickJournal!

Best regards,

Joe Meno, editor
John Morrow, publisher

I placed an order for a subscription a few weeks ago, so the e-mail really came as a preaching to the choir. Still, it’s good to see that they’re wanting to drum up some support for the magazine. I think that something like BrickJournal could really thrive in the marketplace.

TwoMorrows had their most recent issue available as a free download on their website recently. It’s a solid magazine, and I’m looking forward to being able to have it, in my hands. It’s what the LEGO Magazine should be, if it were geared to an older audience. One early issue, for instance, covered how to build the Discovery from 2001: A Space Odyssey.

Hmm… I wonder if they’d be interested in articles on Doctor Who LEGO….

Published by Allyn

A writer, editor, journalist, sometimes coder, occasional historian, and all-around scholar, Allyn Gibson is the writer for Diamond Comic Distributors' monthly PREVIEWS catalog, used by comic book shops and throughout the comics industry, and the editor for its monthly order forms. In his over fifteen years in the industry, Allyn has interviewed comics creators and pop culture celebrities, covered conventions, analyzed industry revenue trends, and written copy for comics, toys, and other pop culture merchandise. Allyn is also known for his short fiction (including the Star Trek story "Make-Believe,"the Doctor Who short story "The Spindle of Necessity," and the ReDeus story "The Ginger Kid"). Allyn has been blogging regularly with WordPress since 2004.

One thought on “On BrickJournal

  1. I’ve seen the site http://www.twomorrows.com and its interesting. Recently I found the similar e-publication website called pressmart.net provides the e-editions of magazines, news papers, journals, books, etc. In this digital age every publisher should have e-editions for their print publication to increase the number of subscribers.

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