Using the power of Google, someone wanted to find information on “Lego Minifig George Bush.”
And that brought the person to me.
Specifically, to this post on LEGO videos, including LEGO-fied versions of the Grand Theft Auto: Vice City and Halo 2 video game trailers.
A post where I used words “LEGO” and “Minifig.”
Minifig, of course, being the technical term for a little LEGO figure. 😉
And if one scrolls down, and looks in the footer of my blog, one sees a list of category tags.
And one of those tags? Because it’s one of my most popular topics to write about?
“George Bush.”
So even though I wasn’t actually writing about “Lego minifig George Bush,” because these words all exist on the page, then according to Google they must somehow go together.
I guess LEGO could make a “world leaders” series. I don’t know why someone would want it. In a world that’s crying out for LEGO Doctor Who, I think world leaders — like a minifig of George Bush — is pretty low on the priority scale.