On Musical Tastes

After watching “The Doctor’s Daughter,” I downloaded the latest episode of Radio Free Skaro, to see what Warren, Steven, and Chris thought of the episode.

For anyone who’s not listened to an episode of Radio Free Skaro, they break down a bit like this:

  • 0-10 minutes: They talk about the Doctor Who episode
  • 10-35 minutes: They talk about anything but the episode. It may not even be Doctor Who-related.
  • 35-45 minutes: They surf the internet looking for more things to talk about.

It’s a fun system, and it works.

In the latest episode of RFS, the topic of David Tennant’s musical tastes came up. Apparently, Tennant had given an interview with a Scottish newspaper, and he mentioned *gasp* that he liked to listen to Avril Lavigne. *gasp*

Here we go. It’s not even a recent article. It’s three years old!

Tennant says, and I quote:

I’m quite an Avril Lavigne fan. And I know I shouldn’t be, I’m aware that that’s wrong on quite a few levels. She’s a fine, fine musician. She understands the pop world very clearly. She’s great! So if you’re reading this Avril… I mean, I’m ashamed of myself but you know, I still admitted it.

Okay, I’m going to confess that I, too, enjoy listening to Avril Lavigne.

Now, now, now, put away the pitchforks. Maybe I won’t use the word “fan” to describe myself. I don’t own any of her CDs, and I doubt that I ever will. And I think the song she did for Eragon, which is probably the most recent thing of hers I’ve heard, is an excretable mess. And I thought that “Sk8er Boi” was more interesting when I seriously misheard the lyrics.

Yeah, I’ll turn one of her songs up on the radio. I particularly like “My Happy Ending.”

She has a good voice, and she uses it. Her music is catchy, and it makes me feel happy when I hear it.

There. My confession. Like David Tennant, I also enjoy listening to Avril Lavigne. 😆

Blogged with the Flock Browser

Published by Allyn

A writer, editor, journalist, sometimes coder, occasional historian, and all-around scholar, Allyn Gibson is the writer for Diamond Comic Distributors' monthly PREVIEWS catalog, used by comic book shops and throughout the comics industry, and the editor for its monthly order forms. In his over fifteen years in the industry, Allyn has interviewed comics creators and pop culture celebrities, covered conventions, analyzed industry revenue trends, and written copy for comics, toys, and other pop culture merchandise. Allyn is also known for his short fiction (including the Star Trek story "Make-Believe,"the Doctor Who short story "The Spindle of Necessity," and the ReDeus story "The Ginger Kid"). Allyn has been blogging regularly with WordPress since 2004.

7 thoughts on “On Musical Tastes

  1. I like Avril Lavigne and I’ve bought one of her CDs, and my husband got another one. I can’t even classify this as guilty pleasure, because I think she contributes to her own songs (in terms of writing them, although I don’t know if she does both music and lyrics), and she’s not bubble gum.

    You don’t want to know what my real guilty pleasures in music are, believe me!

  2. Heh. I just associate her with a summer a bunch of years back. “Complicated” came out, and my friend’s boyfriend starting singing it. Later that summer he broke up with her, and I thought back, “Why did you have to make it so complicated?”

  3. Eeeeeew. Sorry, I’m usually okay with music for the sake of music, but not in her case. She told Seventeen magazine:

    “I created punk for this day and age. Do you see Britney Spears walking around wearing ties and singing punk? Hell no. That’s what I do. I’m like a Sid Vicious for a new generation.”

    Of course, she didn’t actually know who Sid Vicious was… and when she found out, her response was (to Entertainment Weekly):

    “People are like, ‘Well, she doesn’t know the Sex Pistols.’ Why would I know that stuff? Look how young I am. That stuff’s old, right?”

    Right. Not saying that her music can’t make you happy or be catchy, just saying that, you know, she’s an idiot. If it’s any consolation, I’m ten times as angry and bitter than this about movies, and one hundred times worse about politics.

  4. I’ll jump on that bandwagon…MASSIVE Avril Lavigne fan from her first album. LOVE ‘I’m With You’.

  5. Carey: Okay, I’ve finally stopped laughing.

    It’s not your comment on Avril Lavigne that caused the giggles. It’s the monocle in the avatar that was assigned to you. It’s random, and it amuses me.

    I can’t really disagree with your assessment of Lavinge as “an idiot.”

    Sid Vicious! Damn, I loved the episode of The Simpsons this year where Homer tells the story of the Sex Pistols. When that show hits, it hits. 🙂

    What was I saying?

    My personal taste in punk tends towards Celtic Punk. Give me the Pogues. Give me the Tossers. Give me the Real McKenzies. (You’ve not heard punk rock until you’ve heard it done on bagpipes.)

    Yeah, I’m strange like that.

    Jacob: “I’m With You.” Yeah, memorable song. After I saw the video, I wasn’t quite as taken with it for some reason. It’s probably the screaming.

  6. Allyn:
    I’m exactly the same way. I love celtic music of all brands, which probably explains why I went for Guinness and, recently, Smithwick’s so quickly.

    So perhaps I’m strange, too.

  7. There is nothing strange about liking Guinness. 🙂

    I’ve only had Smithwick’s once. St. Patrick’s Day, 2007. I picked up Guinness, Smithwick’s, and a bottle of Irish Cream. (I usually buy the off-brand stuff. I like Bailey’s, but for what I use it for — coffee creamer — Bailey’s is overkill.)

    I should probably give Smithwick’s another try.

    If you want something interesting, try Highland Brewing Company‘s Tasgall Ale. From their website:

    Our Scotch-style ale, named from Norse mythology, combines the heritage and tartan of our brew team. The roasted barley and chocolate malt lend a bold flavor to this delicious dark beer. Its increased hop level is a modest departure from a true Scotch-style ale. We hope you agree this is a beer worthy of the name Tasgall, “Cauldron of the Gods.”

    I’d love to be able to get it in Maryland, but they don’t distribute far outside of the Carolinas and Georgia. I may have to visit the Triangle area, just to stock up. 😆

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