It’s only December 7th.
I’ve already wrapped most of the Christmas presents I’m giving.
Indeed, ones I need to ship? Already in the shipping boxes.
I have some new and interesting wrapping paper this year. Nothing that doesn’t fit my personality. 🙂
I’m absolutely terrible at trying to cut paper off in a straight line. It ends up wavy and jagged at the end. Maybe I should use cutting knives or something.
I’m trying to think what it is I have left to wrap. Nothing big, I should think.
Someone asked me today why I, as an atheist, use the word “Christmas.” Shouldn’t I use “Xmas,” he wanted to know.
I confess; I was a bit confused by the question at first. I’ve always thought of “Xmas” as a retail-induced, lazy person’s form of “Christmas.” I have no trouble with using “Christmas.” Christmas has two parts — there’s a religious festival. Then there’s a secular festival. Many atheists celebrate the secular winter festival aspect of Christmas.
I once had an employee who called this time of year Chrismahannukwanzukah. Apparently, that began in a Virgin Mobile commercial. I modified that slightly into Chrismahannufestikwanzukuhvis, though that doesn’t roll off the tongue in the way that Chrismahannukwanzukah does. 🙂
Sorry. Digression. Prone to that…
Still, the wrapping is mostly done. Packages are taped up. All that remains is to fold up my laundry. Which has nothing to do with wrapping presents; I just thought I’d note the laundry folding for the record.
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