Today was one of those days. Rather than dwell upon the reasons for today’s craptaculence, why not look upon all the things that made today great?
I got rained on!
Three weeks ago, Charm City had turned into East Seattle, and it rained for days upon days. Then, the rains departed, the weather turned pleasant and not too warm. It was unseasonably cool for July, and quite dry.
Today, the light rail train stopped at North Avenue. I could have waited there ten minutes for another southbound train, but I needed only to go two more stops, and I don’t mind the walk. When I have to do the walk, I cut through the art college, and then up the streets through Bolton Hill, which places me right at the subway stop. It’s a nice walk almost any day.
Today, a light drizzle fell.
It was pleasant. 🙂
The other remarkable thing about today?
Torchwood: Children of Earth received two mentions in the free newspaper I read on the morning commute.
First, it was mentioned as one of the ten entertainment things to do this week. Specifically, it came it at number four.
Then, Children of Earth got a full-page, four-star review. That review, unfortunately, isn’t online that I can find, but here’s a choice quote: “the best conspiracy thriller you will see on American TV this summer.”
What kind of a world do we live in when something Doctor Who-related warrants two mentions in a freebie newspaper? 😆
It’s the little things that make today. A light rain. Torchwood reviews.
Oh, and Jethro Tull’s Aqualung in the stereo. I’m just going to skip right ahead to “Locomotive Breath.” The piano introduction makes that song.
I’m enjoying Torchwood CoE so far. Watched the first two Episodes. Great entertainment!!! We are so lacking good television shows.
Without giving anything away, you’ve basically just seen the last “win” for the Torchwood team this week. From here on out, it’s pretty much all downhill. It’s going to be one harrowing ride.
Glad we cold brighten your day!
Jordan Bartel, assistant editor, b