I am feeling bereft of excitement or interest in my life at the moment.
This happens. We all reach lulls in our lives.
I’m not feeling particularly creative at the moment. I have no great political insights or opinions to share. I’ve read some comic books recently, but I can’t be arsed to write about them.
As I said, this happens. I blame the sinus headache or the sneezes or the general dreariness that was Baltimore today.
But something of interest did happen today.
I started living in 2010. The Year We Make Contact.
Well, maybe not that last part.
I started writing copy for the January catalog today.
Secret word! Secret word!
Well, not today. 😉
After watching 2001: A Who Odyssey for the fifteenth or sixteenth time today, after making a joke about 2010: The Year We Make Contact, I now feel like rereading 2010: Odyssey Two and 2061: Odyssey Three.
So maybe life isn’t as unexciting as I thought!
I am disgusted that the word “lulls” translated to “LULZ” in my head before I actually realized you were using a proper English word. Sigh.
Hang in there, Allyn.
Wes, have you ever known me to use “LULZ” in any way, shape, or form? 😆
I’m fine. Just a little tired. And a little lost creatively at the moment. Like I said, it’ll pass. It always does. 🙂