About six weeks ago, a voice in the back of my head started talking to me.
I want to redo the website.
I want to redo the website.
Seriously. Why? Are you not happy with the website?
I want something new.
I want something new.
Then I’d find myself looking at WordPress themes and HTML templates and more WordPress themes and more HTML templates. And I’d dismiss the idea. There’s nothing wrong with my website. Yes, the core theme I’m using (Shoreditch) is about three years old, Yes, I’ve modified it (make it a single column, add a magazine-style front-end). I’ve even added a Gutenberg stylesheet.
Yet, the voice keeps talking. It’s a nagging little voice. And I keep telling it no.
It can’t give me any reason. It just wants change. And I’m not inclined to give it change. Have you any idea how much effort that would be?