I know the Lucas Law of Planetary Development states that ice planets are only ice planets, jungle planets are only jungle planets, desert planets are only desert planets, and planetwide cities are big freaking cities, but the Lucas Law of Planetary Development forgets one very important fact.
Earth isn’t one climate. And for the Lucas Law of Planetary Development to work, planets must only have one climate.
Yes, at certain orbits about their stars planets can have a single climate with little variation in weather and temperature. Look at Venus. But Earth and Mars? Different climates, different seasons, different weather, at all latitudes. Within that habitable band around a star, a variety of climatic conditions exist. A planet can have steaming jungles about its equator. A planet can have icy wastes. And still be the same planet.
No, we must discard the Lucas Law of Planetary Development on the trashpile of junk science. Where it so rightly belongs.