A caveat–I admit to ho-hum feelings about this World Series. The two teams in contention are rivals of the Cubs, so I had a choice between rooting for one enemy or the other.
Those were some incredible games. Game four was edge-of-your-seat, especially when the ninth inning came down the way it did.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many bunts.
I could have done without seeing Barbara Bush behind home plate, oh, about fifty times during last night’s game. Nothing against the former President and his wife, but seeing them there was a little distracting.
The White Sox won, first time since the days of Buck Weaver and Shoeless Joe Jackson.
The Astros should take some pride in keeping the series as close as it was. The four game sweep is deceptive–the Astros were in every game right to the wire.
Just four months until pitchers and catchers report. Could next year be the Cubs’ year? 🙂
Someone wrote a column about Bud Selig and other notables at the games, pretty much ignoring all the action, while fans of course can’t get in. I don’t much like sports any more—too much money and celebrity, too little athleticism.
I liked simpler times better. 😉