Yesterday, a video leaked of Mitt Romney at a swank fundraiser. In Part 1 of the video, Romney displays contempt for the lower half of the electorate. In the second part, Romney dismisses the very idea of peace in Middle-East.
Some reactions to the first video.
Michael Tomasky: Mitt Tells Voters in Video to Drop Dead.
Jonathan Chait: The Real Romney Captured on Tape Turns Out to Be a Sneering Plutocrat
Timothy Noah: Mitt Romney and the 47 Percent
Josh Marshall: Devastating
Andrew Sullivan: Romney Unpluuged
Justin Green: Randian Romneys Don’t Win Elections
Steve Benen: Romney’s Contempt for the ’47 Percent’
Mark Halperin: Why This is Bad For Romney
David Brooks: Thurston Howell Romney
I’m not sure that I have anything more to add that these writers haven’t already said, except for this — If Mitt Romney holds half of Americans in utter contempt, then why the hell is he running for President?
Gallup: Obama 47% Romney 47% Rasmussen: Obama 46% Romney 46% President Obama has not been able to pull ahead of Romney despite the recent conventions and this video that Jimmy Carter’s grandson filmed where Romney mentioned the 47%. Not good news at all for President Obama