I sat down today and played through several levels of LEGO Star Wars II. I have almost enough LEGO studs to purchase my save file from the first game. That’s a mite disappointing, that I have to buy something that’s already on my XBox’s hard drive, but that’s how the game is, so I just have to accept it.
I’m enjoying the game immensely, though it is a good deal more difficult than the first game. The levels are larger, and it’s often not obvious what it is you’re supposed to do. The camera also tends to work against you, but it did in the first game, as well. I would definitely recommend the strategy guide–unfortunately, I’ve needed it. One nice thing I’ve noticed is that there’s more use of animated cut scenes–Luke’s accidental decapitation of C-3P0 was hilarious. 🙂
I started thinking this afternoon–perhaps LucasArts and Traveler’s Tales (the developer of the game) should think about adapting some of the post-Return of the Jedi novels for a third LEGO Star Wars game. Imagine the Timothy Zahn trilogy, in LEGO. The advantages are enormous. First, keep an already popular franchise alive. Second, because they would be adapting a written work rather than a visual work, the developers would have greater freedom to design the levels, so more art design. Okay, it’s only two reasons, but I’m sure, with thought, I could come up with more. LEGO Star Wars III: Thrawn Strikes! or something.
LEGO Star Wars II is great fun. If you liked the first, I’m sure you’ll like this. If you haven’t played the first, what are you waiting for? 😉