A few days ago I picked up Kenneth Branagh’s version of Much Ado About Nothing on DVD at Target for under ten dollars. I haven’t watched it–been too busy to do so–so I’ve added it to my “to be watched” pile. Before I went to bed, I took the Klingon Language Institute‘s translation of the play off the bookshelf and flipped through it, read the introduction. And then drifted off to sleep.
Only to wake up several hours later, thanks to a most disturbing dream.
In my dream, Branagh made yet another Shakespearean film. Only this time, he staged it “in the original Klingon,” to use the phrase from Star Trek VI.
The play adapted? The Merry Wives of Windsor. With Stephen Fry as Falstaff.
If you can picture Fry’s General Melchett from Blackadder Goes Forth in full Klingon costume and make-up, you can probably imagine the fright this dream caused.