Yesterday the temperature in Charm City broke eighty. But there was something odd in the five-day forecast.
This morning when I left for work it was quite warm, low 60s. At lunch time I wanted to see what the weather was like and walk the neighborhood a little, so I walked down O’Donnell Street to see if I could find the church I saw every day as I turned into the parking lot. I’d guestimated it at ten blocks, max. Turns out it’s twelve. St. Casimir‘s looks pretty impressive from a dozen blocks away. It was a nice walk, but then it started to rain on my way back to the office.
Even when I left work the thermometer was holding at sixty.
When I arrived home the temperature had dropped twenty degrees.
It was cloudy when I left work.
It was pouring rain when I got home.
It was calm when I left work.
A mighty wind had kicked by the time I got home.
Weather like this? It’s not normal. 😆
And tomorrow we’re supposed to get a “wintry mix.” Lovely.
I’m sure it was fairly normal for the last time an interstadial headed down the long road toward iceage.