Facebook continues to astound in the ad department. I wrote a few weeks ago about ugly, unlicensed baseball shirts, and with Spring Training about to begin, Facebook has even more to show me. Honestly, I don’t hate this. A Chicago Cubs bowling shirt! Would I wear it, though? Oh, absolutely not. It looks like itContinue reading “More Things I Do Not Need”
Public Service Announcement
This blog will not comply with the Gulf of Mexico nonsense out of the White House. This blog will never refer to Greenland as “Red, White, and Blueland.” Things have names. We will continue to use the proper, historical names. This blog will not abandon reason for madness.
A Bad Match
Oh, Indeed. You amuse me. You amuse me! I am exploring the job market for reasons outlined earlier, and yesterday evening I received a customized job alert for a local job. Very local. Like, a mile and a half from where I live. I could walk there. But. It’s not Bethlehem United Methodist Church anyContinue reading “A Bad Match”
A Memoir of the Klingon Invasion of Stardate 3800.0
Captain’s Log, Stardate 3800.1We have received orders from Admiral Turner at Starfleet Command, Priority One. A massive Klingon incursion into Federation space, led by General Gorrel, threatens Federation headquarters. We are breaking off our survey mission in quadrant Procyon IV to counter this invasion. Captain’s Log, Stardate 3804.6We have been fortunate that the Klingon incursionContinue reading “A Memoir of the Klingon Invasion of Stardate 3800.0”
The Cheeses of Craggy Isle
The Church of England is soliciting the public’s input for the next Archbishop of Canterbury. There’s only one candidate, really. Yes, Father Ted Crilly is a Roman Catholic priest, but if called upon, I am sure he would embrace the Church of England faster than Father Jack can move when he sights an unattended bottleContinue reading “The Cheeses of Craggy Isle”
When I Thought About Learning Python
Two years ago I intended to learn Python. Then I never did. And there’s a story to that. What brings this up is an article I saw online a few days ago, “VBA vs. Python: Which is the best tool for Excel automation.” It began, as many such things do, with a work problem. WeContinue reading “When I Thought About Learning Python”
Getting Better
I’m getting better at this backgammon thing. I still lose half the time, but I’m getting the hang of it. I do think xgammon cheats, because it comes up with just the right role to do damage far too often to be chance, but broadly speaking, I’m holding my own. I cannot access Facebook onContinue reading “Getting Better”
Hunt Valley Sunset
Boldly Going Where No CoCo Has Gone Before
It is the year 2025. I am playing Mike Mayfield’s original 1972 Star Trek game in a TRS-80 Color Computer 3 (released 1986) emulator on my Linux Mint Debian Edition machine. I did not have a CoCo 3. I wanted a CoCo 3. I had a CoCo 2, and I loved it. My first computerContinue reading “Boldly Going Where No CoCo Has Gone Before”
A Warm January Day
Today was the first day with temperatures above freezing in about a week and a half. I drove over to the state park overlooking the Susquehanna to get some photos of the river, the bridges, and the hills beyond Columbia before the snow started to seriously melt. It was a nice drive. The road throughContinue reading “A Warm January Day”