A Cute, but Non-Functional, Bluetooth Keyboard

I bought my niece a keyboard. She turns 16 at the end of the month, and she is a budding writer and journalist. So when I was at Five Below a few weeks ago looking for other stuff, I saw a cute keyboard and bought it, a wireless Bluetooth typewriter-style keyboard. Look at it! It’sContinue reading “A Cute, but Non-Functional, Bluetooth Keyboard”

A Day at the Surgical Center

I have reached that age where I needed a colonoscopy. Frankly, I put it off for a year. Three weeks ago, after my annual physical, I called and made an appointment. I thought, “Oh, it’s September. They’ll put me on the calendar for November or December.” No, WellSpan could get me in right away. “HowContinue reading “A Day at the Surgical Center”

Lo, There Shall Come a Bird!

Sitting outside yesterday morning, drinking my coffee, I noticed a bird in the bushes outside my apartment’s front window. The bird wasn’t doing much, just poking his beak into the mulch. Looking for food, I guess. I gave the bird little thought. He’ll be on his way soon enough. I went inside. Half an hourContinue reading “Lo, There Shall Come a Bird!”

Dark Brandon Delivers

This morning I logged into Nelnet, my student loan servicer, and I was greeted by a wonderful surprise. My student loans from the University of Richmond, taken out twenty-five years ago, give or take, are gone. Paid off. Forgiven. I received an email about a month ago from the Department of Education. Hold on, letContinue reading “Dark Brandon Delivers”

Scenes of Spring

Spring is in full-bloom in Pennsylvania, and I’ve not been able to breathe through my nose in weeks. I have been, as I joking said to my sister, pollinated. Some recent scenes. I attended the Lancaster Barnstormers Fan Fest on Saturday. The Barnstormers put on an exhibition game against the Black Sox, a travelling team.Continue reading “Scenes of Spring”