To quote Professor Farnsworth, “Good news, everyone!” I’ll be attending the Farpoint Convention in Hunt Valley, Maryland, from Febraury 15th through 17th. Can you believe that? That’s like ten weeks away. Tempus fugit, people, tempus fugit. Expect panels and a couple of turns at the autograph table. And the hotel bar. 🙂
Tag Archives: fandom
On Looking Back Ten Years
I realized, while shaving yesterday, that it was ten years ago, this very week, that I discovered online Star Trek fandom. And it was a very narrow part of fandom that I found. It was Star Trek novels fandom. On the old Pocket Books Bulletin Board. A bunch of people I “met” ten years agoContinue reading “On Looking Back Ten Years”
On New Levels of Fannishness
I had to write up a product description for something Doctor Who-ish — Creation is doing some Who shotglasses with the TARDIS and the series logo. I needed something catchy. Something the Doctor would drink. It came to me. I typed it up, giggling all the way. Something along the lines of “If you’re goingContinue reading “On New Levels of Fannishness”
On Weird Fandom Questions
Stolen from novelist David McIntee: Name six of your fandoms without looking below the cut, then answer the questions. Okie-day! I’m interpretting “fandom” broadly—I like bands, I like books, I like television shows. So, broad definitions here. My six are: Hellboy The Beatles Doctor Who The Lord of the Rings Star Trek Boston Legal AndContinue reading “On Weird Fandom Questions”
On the Shore Leave Round-Up
It occurs to me that others have written long and lengthy posts about the things they did at Shore Leave over the weekend. I’ve mentioned dribs and drabbles here and there–yes, the TARDIS USB hub is fantastic–but I haven’t done an all-encompassing thing. And since it’s Thursday (or something like that–my time sense has goneContinue reading “On the Shore Leave Round-Up”
On USB Hubs
Did I mention this? I’m not sure. On Saturday, at Shore Leave I purchased a TARDIS USB Hub. I’d been wanting one for a while, even though I had no real need for it–my keyboard at home has a built-in USB hub, my CPU tower has a front-access USB port and four USB slots inContinue reading “On USB Hubs”
On Countdowns
Six weeks to Shore Leave! Woo! Six weeks to Shore Leave! Woo! Six weeks to Shore Leave! Woo!
On Farpoint Conversations
Keith: “I love this song. He’s so earnest in his vocals.” Me: “It’s ‘House of the Rising Son.’” Terri: “Yes, but the lyrics are about Winnie-the-Pooh.” Me: “You took a song about a New Orleans whore house, and turned into a song about Winnie-the-Pooh?” Keith: “Yep.” Me: “You’ve just fucked with my childhood. That’s notContinue reading “On Farpoint Conversations”
On PhilCon
Next weekend I’ll be attending my first PhilCon. I haven’t worked out all the details yet — like where I’m going to stay, that sort of thing — but these things have a habit of working out. In the meantime, I received my schedule of events, which I’m posting here in case anyone’s going toContinue reading “On PhilCon”
On a Strange Dream
I haven’t been sleeping well of late. Actually, ever since the move I’ve simply not been able to sleep, at least not until the early hours of the morn. It’s also means that I’m either remembering my dreams or I’m hallucinating. I don’t normally remember my dreams, and yet I remember quite vividly part ofContinue reading “On a Strange Dream”