Watching McCain’s speech last night, I kept wondering — why is there a mansion on the jumbotron behind him? It wasn’t the White House. Was it supposed to be one of McCain’s eight houses? But it surely couldn’t be in Phoenix — the surrounding landscape looked too verdant and lush. Turns out that, no, it’sContinue reading “On John McCain’s “Mansion””
Tag Archives: John McCain
On John McCain and His Lack of Judgment
Alaska Governor Sarah Palin has had a lousy seventy-two hours. That’s the only real conclusion that one can draw as news reports about the Republican Vice Presidential pick filter in. She was affiliated with and was a member of a secessionist political party, the Alaska Independence Party. She’s hired a lawyer in advance of herContinue reading “On John McCain and His Lack of Judgment”
On Hurricane Gustav and the Republicans
I feel like this website has turned into all politics, all the time… *sigh* Hurricane Gustav, as I write this, has been downgraded to a Category 3 hurricane, and it may restrengthen to Category 4 — or possibly Category 5 — later today. The hurricane is expected to make landfall in Louisiana sometime on Monday.Continue reading “On Hurricane Gustav and the Republicans”
On Sarah Palin, Tactics, and the Cynicism of John McCain
Yesterday, presumptive Republican Presidential nominee John McCain made his pick for his vice presidential running mate — Alaska Governor Sarah Palin. Who? To be frank, a week ago I hadn’t even heard of Sarah Palin. It’s my fault for not watching The Late, Late Show With Craig Ferguson, I suppose. Here’s a quick biography. AgedContinue reading “On Sarah Palin, Tactics, and the Cynicism of John McCain”
On Words and Policy Solutions
Words are tricky things. The way you use words, the way you define words, indicates the way you see the world. Or even, how you want to see the world be. Consider John McCain campaign advisor John Goodman. (No, not the actor.) Goodman is the president of the National Center for Policy Analysis, and oneContinue reading “On Words and Policy Solutions”
On Vice Presidential Thoughts
I’ve decided, this should be my motto — “I read Red State, so you don’t have to.” Red State is a conservative blog/community. If you’re familiar with DailyKos, then Red State is like that. Except where DailyKos is a progressive community, Red State is a conservative community. I wade into Red State about once aContinue reading “On Vice Presidential Thoughts”
On John McCain and His Disconnect
A day after writing about John McCain and his treatment as a prisoner of war at the hands of the North Vietnamese, I reluctantly find that I must take up the keyboard and write again of John McCain. When asked, John McCain, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, could not name the number of homes thatContinue reading “On John McCain and His Disconnect”
On John McCain and Torture
In all the hubbub over Senator John McCain dismissing the Dungeons & Dragons vote, one vital story has been ignored — was John McCain tortured by the North Vietnamese during his captivity during the Vietnam War? John McCain would say yes: Just after his release in May 1973, he detailed his experience as a P.O.W.Continue reading “On John McCain and Torture”
On “Mission Accomplished” Plus Five
Five years ago today, President George W. Bush stood on the deck of the USS Abraham Lincoln and declared, against the backdrop of a banner that said “Mission Accomplished” that “major combat operations in Iraq have ended.” We have Senator John McCain saying that the United States will be in Iraq for another hundred years.Continue reading “On “Mission Accomplished” Plus Five”
On the Bush Mosaic
A few short days ago the United States reached the fifth anniversary of its military involvement in Iraq. Yesterday — Easter Sunday, for those of the Christian inclination — another milestone was passed. The four thousandth American soldier fell in Iraq. An artist has commemorated that dubious milestone with a photomosaic of President Bush andContinue reading “On the Bush Mosaic”