If you got to relive one day of your life, when would it be? It’s tempting to pick a day when something really bad happened. Maybe it’s a date of an unfortunate accident, like getting lost in fog and running a car headfirst into a stone wall. Maybe it’s a day when a drunk driverContinue reading “On Reliving Moments from the Past”
Tag Archives: Life
On What I’ve Been Up To
I haven’t felt much like blogging the last few weeks, the last two weeks especially. I haven’t lacked for things to say, life hasn’t been uninteresting. I haven’t cared to share any of it. Work has been keeping me busy. I haven’t been sleeping. I’ve been working on a WordPress project. I’ve been writing. I’veContinue reading “On What I’ve Been Up To”
On a Parking Lot Encounter
On my lunch break, I walked to Borders. As most people know, Borders is in dire financial straits, and while the Borders near the office is one of the stores that survived the closing axe a few months ago, the company is still on the brink of oblivion and stores may shutter within a weekContinue reading “On a Parking Lot Encounter”
On Striking High School Students
On Monday, I’m going to Washington DC for the first time since the Rally to Restore Sanity and/or March to Keep Fear Alive. The reason? The Chicago Cubs (my team) are in DC playing the Washington Nationals (my local team), and then I’m going to stick around in town for A Capitol Fourth, the concert/fireworksContinue reading “On Striking High School Students”
On Retail Experiences
I have an account at DailyKos, the progressive online community, though I’ve very rarely used it in the past six or seven years. Maybe I’ll post a diary once a year, maybe I’ll log in and make a comment on a post that interests me. Maybe. This morning I saw a diary entitled “Confessions ofContinue reading “On Retail Experiences”
On Traveling Travails
I thought I would never get home. I sat on the bench on the platform at the State Center subway stop. The train arrived. I boarded and took a seat. An earlier passenger had left a paranormal romance on the seat. I ignored it. The doors chimed then closed. The doors reopened with a crash.Continue reading “On Traveling Travails”
On Blog Tumbleweeds
Tumbleweeds have taken over this blog this week… Chalk it up to feeling unwell and overworked. Last weekend, I began to feel congested. On Sunday, I had a sandpaperish throat and clogged sinuses. On Monday, I had congestion in the bronchial passages and a persistent cough. Allergies? A cold? I have no idea. Just whenContinue reading “On Blog Tumbleweeds”
On Typgraphic Atrocities
A poster for a clothing drive in the elevator vestibule in the office is a typographic atrocity. Just from sight, I’ve identified the following typefaces: Comic Sans Arial Arial Rounded Lucida Grande At that point, my eyes glazed over and my brain was stunned into a stupor.
On Looking Ahead to the Summer Months
Where does time go? Shore Leave is only about ten weeks away! I sent the con an updated bio earlier today. What brought this to mind was that I received some website traffic from the Shore Leave website yesterday. So, said I to myself, “Which bio do they have running?” And I discovered they didn’tContinue reading “On Looking Ahead to the Summer Months”
On the 30 Day Song Challenge
At work, some of my colleagues have done this, the Facebook 30 Day Song Challenge. Basically, it’s a list of 30 topics, one per day, and a person taking the challenge is supposed to post a song that answers the day’s question. One coworker suggested that I should do it, so I grabbed the listContinue reading “On the 30 Day Song Challenge”