In a posting on TrekBBS’s Science Fiction forum V’Ger asked (with spelling and punctuation corrected), “[U]nless the [new Doctor Who] series plans to do a flashback with McGann regenerating down the line [into the Christopher Eccleston Doctor] (Perhaps a Doctor team-up?), how should the eighth Doctor bow out, say, in a novel or audio drama?”Continue reading “Should the Torch Be Passed?”
Tag Archives: Ninth-Doctor
My final three entries for this year’s Strange New Worlds contest went in the mail this morning. All of this year’s entries reflect a certain ethos, the “are you out of your frelling mind?!?” viewpoint. Why not? Life’s too short not to mess with other people’s sanity. And now, the important stuff. Doctor Who isContinue reading “Who!”
Who should be Who?
Being a Doctor Who fan in these Wholess times is both a blessing and a curse. A blessing in the sense that Who fans are, at this point in time, being so long without the real deal, so to speak, the devoted, the true fans. A curse in the sense that every little rumor getsContinue reading “Who should be Who?”