Lightning Strikes in Bowie

Yesterday afternoon, I left work early and drove down to Bowie to see game 4 of the Eastern League Championship Series between the Bowie Baysox and the Trenton Thunder. Wednesday I toyed with the idea of attending, if there were a game four. Thursday I went back and forth a few times, choosing a seat,Continue reading “Lightning Strikes in Bowie”

A Look at Old Baltimore

Recently, I found a photograph of Baltimore, circa 1871 — downtown Baltimore, as seen from Federal Hill. There are things about this photo that are familiar, and many things that would be a mystery. Let’s take a look. Consulting with maps, I feel that this photograph of the Inner Harbor and environs was taken fromContinue reading “A Look at Old Baltimore”

Fade In… Gutenberg Blocks and Styles

Fade In Int. Allyn’s Bedroom. Night Allyn is laying in bed, his head resting on a stack of pillows, hands not just behind his head but beneath one of the pillows as well. The lights are out, though his bedroom is partially illuminated by a street lamp somewhere beyond the window. His eyes are closed.Continue reading “Fade In… Gutenberg Blocks and Styles”

Sunday Afternoon Baseball

For no particular reason, I decided to go to a baseball game in York today. I’d just been to a game in Aberdeen last week, it wasn’t like I needed to go, a game in York was my best option (and despite its closeness it’s also sort of my last choice), and I couldn’t sayContinue reading “Sunday Afternoon Baseball”

Baseball Night in Aberdeen

Yesterday morning I decided I wanted to go to a baseball game. I’d not been to one in three weeks, work had been overwhelming, and my soul was missing green fields, blue skies, the crack of the bat, the smell of grilling meats. But Harrisburg (first choice) was out of town, York (second choice) wasContinue reading “Baseball Night in Aberdeen”

The Cathedral of Fear

If the first book in Alessandro Gatti’s Sherlock, Lupin & Me series, The Dark Lady was the secret origin (ie., how they met) of the adventures of Sherlock Holmes, Irene Adler, and Arsène Lupin as teenagers, the next two (The Soprano’s Last Song and The Mystery of the Scarlet Rose) are in the main SherlockContinue reading “The Cathedral of Fear”