Last Sunday, Downton Abbey returned to PBS for its fifth season on Masterpiece Theater. I feel that, at this point, I’m watching the series to snark at it. Withnail is on #DowntonAbbey tonight! I demand some booze! I want the finest wines known to man! We've gone on holiday by mistake! — Allyn Gibson (@allyngibson)Continue reading “Downton Abbey, Season Five: Thoughts”
Category Archives: Television
The Dracula Finale
Last night NBC broadcast the finale of Dracula. It was not the definitive conclusion I had expected from the start, when the series was commissioned as a 10-part mini-series. Yet… If that’s where Dracula ends, I’m content. There are a number of balls still in the air, pieces are still in play on the chessboard,Continue reading “The Dracula Finale”
The AV Club Weighs In on the “Elementary vs. Sherlock” Question
The Onion‘s AV Club has posted an insightful and nuanced take on Elementary and Sherlock in comparison to each other. Though I try not to compare the two series (because they really are different things with different aims), I find myself in agreement with a lot of it, frankly; I keep wondering how Sherlock‘s castContinue reading “The AV Club Weighs In on the “Elementary vs. Sherlock” Question”
Dracula: Nearing the End
With only one more episode of Dracula left, which aired in the UK a few nights ago, let’s catch up on my TrekBBS posts on the series. (For those catching up, previous posts on Dracula are here (episodes 1 and 2) and here (episodes 4 through 7). From January 11th, on episode 8, “Come toContinue reading “Dracula: Nearing the End”
Raffles in the World of Sherlock
Sherlock co-creator Steven Moffat has said recently that Matt Smith, former Doctor Who star, could appear in Sherlock, if it were the “perfect part.” What could that “perfect part” be? My first thought was Stanley Hopkins, the best of the Scotland Yard inspectors and the one closest to Holmes in intellect. What if Sherlock hadContinue reading “Raffles in the World of Sherlock”
Checking In on Dracula
I’ve been watching and enjoying NBC’s Dracula series, starring The Tudors‘s Jonathan Rhys Meyers. I made a blog post here about the series not long after it debuted, mainly talking about how different the series is from Stoker’s original (Dracula is a Tesla-like industrialist who is working with Van Helsing to destroy a secret societyContinue reading “Checking In on Dracula”
Thoughts on the Sherlock Minisode, “Many Happy Returns”
A week from now, Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss’ Sherlock returns to BBC 1 after a two year absence. Just as Moffat has done Doctor Who minisodes to tease upcoming seasons and specials, he’s done a Sherlock minisode, “Many Happy Returns,” to tease the new season. I watched it. I grinned through it. From aContinue reading “Thoughts on the Sherlock Minisode, “Many Happy Returns””
The Lost Characters of A Charlie Brown Christmas
There’s a good chance that you may have seen this on social media last week — a flash mob got together and performed the dance from A Charlie Brown Christmas on the street in New York City: This was shared at the office, and I wrote in the e-mail chain, “I can never tell 3Continue reading “The Lost Characters of A Charlie Brown Christmas”
The Dark Underside to A Charlie Brown Christmas
On Saturday I put up my Christmas tree. It looks nice, especially against the brick wall in my living room. It’s properly festive. Yesterday evening, I watched A Charlie Brown Christmas. How could I not? It’s not Christmas without A Charlie Brown Christmas, I’ve already listened to the album at least twice since last week,Continue reading “The Dark Underside to A Charlie Brown Christmas”
The Problem of Mycroft
A quick thought on last night’s Elementary. Specifically, the final scene with Mycroft as portrayed by Rhys Ifans. I really like Ifans. I’ve watched and enjoyed a film I was certain I wouldn’t like — Anonymous — purely because of Ifans. I think he has great rapport with Johnny Lee Miller. I have absolutely noContinue reading “The Problem of Mycroft”