On Returning to Coding the Website

This week I returned to a long-delayed project — my website redesign. Every intention I had of having it finished months ago went fell by the wayside. I lost interest in blogging in the spring. Posts became sporadic. I didn’t even mention when this blog passed its tenth anniversary. (It was five weeks ago, inContinue reading “On Returning to Coding the Website”

On Recent Website Issues

Last week my website was down for about twelve hours. Yesterday, my SQL database developed a problem — a temp file couldn’t be written, which made some SQL queries (which WordPress makes a lot of) fail spectacularly. How spectacularly? The front page of my blog went 90-percent blank because WordPress couldn’t see the categories (andContinue reading “On Recent Website Issues”

On Writing with the WordPress Android App

Yesterday’s blog post I wrote on my phone. I didn’t plan that. It’s just how it happened. I knew what I wanted to blog about yesterday morning — a vacation in March, to see the Lewis chessmen in New York — and on the subway train I pulled out my notepad and started writing downContinue reading “On Writing with the WordPress Android App”

On Swapping Twitter’s Columns Around

Yesterday morning I logged into Twitter. This is what I saw: Yes, I’d been upgraded to “New New Twitter,” which began going live to users a month and a half ago. It’s fine, and it’s functional, but one thing irked me. I didn’t like the column layout. For as long as I’ve been using Twitter,Continue reading “On Swapping Twitter’s Columns Around”

On Mad Thoughts of Blogging and Coding

This morning, I had a moment of insanity. Or rather, I had a random thought and then my brain simply would not let it go. Even now, it’s not entirely willing to disengage from the idea, even though I know it’s a stupid idea. It has to do with my website redesign, which I planContinue reading “On Mad Thoughts of Blogging and Coding”

On Working Through the Blog Coding

No, blogging world, I have not forgotten about you. I’ve been very, very busy, though I did squeeze in a Doctor Who drabble based on The Silmarillion. (Yes, really. Don’t be shocked. It works.) Last weekend I was in New Jersey for Philcon. I took off Friday and Monday. When I got back to theContinue reading “On Working Through the Blog Coding”