For a little while now I’ve been working on a new WordPress theme. Last summer, Bob Greenberger hired me to code a WordPress-powered website for him. It turned out pretty well, and I decided that I would work on a new site for myself. I’d code something, spend a week or two with PHP andContinue reading “On Coding and More Coding”
Category Archives: WordPress
On Returning to Coding the Website
This week I returned to a long-delayed project — my website redesign. Every intention I had of having it finished months ago went fell by the wayside. I lost interest in blogging in the spring. Posts became sporadic. I didn’t even mention when this blog passed its tenth anniversary. (It was five weeks ago, inContinue reading “On Returning to Coding the Website”
On Coding a Podcast Feed
I returned today to a long-term project — my new website. On the train this morning, after writing out my daily office to-do list, I wrote down a list of the things that I had left to do for the site. Design a logo here, design a graphic there, review content.php, et cetera and soContinue reading “On Coding a Podcast Feed”
On Recent Website Issues
Last week my website was down for about twelve hours. Yesterday, my SQL database developed a problem — a temp file couldn’t be written, which made some SQL queries (which WordPress makes a lot of) fail spectacularly. How spectacularly? The front page of my blog went 90-percent blank because WordPress couldn’t see the categories (andContinue reading “On Recent Website Issues”
On Writing with the WordPress Android App
Yesterday’s blog post I wrote on my phone. I didn’t plan that. It’s just how it happened. I knew what I wanted to blog about yesterday morning — a vacation in March, to see the Lewis chessmen in New York — and on the subway train I pulled out my notepad and started writing downContinue reading “On Writing with the WordPress Android App”
On the Coding Itch
Over the weekend, I devoted some time and energy to thinking about what I want to do with my next website. I’ve been working at the code off and on since August, going so far as to code two fully-functional blog themes that I’ll never use. And then, just as I felt really happy withContinue reading “On the Coding Itch”
On Swapping Twitter’s Columns Around
Yesterday morning I logged into Twitter. This is what I saw: Yes, I’d been upgraded to “New New Twitter,” which began going live to users a month and a half ago. It’s fine, and it’s functional, but one thing irked me. I didn’t like the column layout. For as long as I’ve been using Twitter,Continue reading “On Swapping Twitter’s Columns Around”
On Mad Thoughts of Blogging and Coding
This morning, I had a moment of insanity. Or rather, I had a random thought and then my brain simply would not let it go. Even now, it’s not entirely willing to disengage from the idea, even though I know it’s a stupid idea. It has to do with my website redesign, which I planContinue reading “On Mad Thoughts of Blogging and Coding”
On Working Through the Blog Coding
No, blogging world, I have not forgotten about you. I’ve been very, very busy, though I did squeeze in a Doctor Who drabble based on The Silmarillion. (Yes, really. Don’t be shocked. It works.) Last weekend I was in New Jersey for Philcon. I took off Friday and Monday. When I got back to theContinue reading “On Working Through the Blog Coding”
On Thinking About a Podcast
Over the weekend, I was at Philcon, a science-fiction convention held just outside Philadelphia. This is not my Philcon recap post. 😉 Over the weekend, though, since I had some free time and I was feeling under the weather, I worked on some novel research reading. First, there was a book I’d tossed in myContinue reading “On Thinking About a Podcast”