Last week I mentioned that, in the United States, BBC America attached a prologue/voice-over to Doctor Who, with Amy introducing the series and its premise. It turns out that Canada and Australia also had the Amy voice-over. Maybe it’s an international thing. I kinda hope it goes on the DVD sets, if only as anContinue reading “On Doctor Who Intros”
Tag Archives: Eleventh-Doctor
On Dramatic Structure and “The Impossible Astronaut”
Has Steven Moffat become Brannon Braga? Or, more to the point, has Moffat always written like Brannon Braga, only we’ve never, ever noticed?
On Doctor Who Season Opener Speculations
On Friday, the BBC released another trailer for the sixth season of Doctor Who, this one specifically for the season opener, “The Impossible Astronaut.” That emotive piece of background music, by the way, is “Tristan” by Two Steps from Hell. Another quick observation before I do a speculation/spoiler jump. I am not sold on StuartContinue reading “On Doctor Who Season Opener Speculations”
On Things I’ve Been Reading
“The Professor, the Queen, and the Bookshop” Doctor Who Magazine #429 Panini UK Written by Jonathan Morris Art by Rob Davis One winter’s day, during the height of the Blitz, two young children — Amelia and Rory — run through London’s streets, en route to a nearby train station to meet Amelia’s aunt. Amelia spiesContinue reading “On Things I’ve Been Reading”
On December’s Anticipations
It’s only thirteen days away now. No, not Christmas, that that is also thirteen days away. 😉 The Doctor Who Christmas special! “A Christmas Carol”! Thirteen days away! While Doctor Who has done Christmas specials in the past, let’s be honest. There’s nothing Christmassy about “The Christmas Invasion” or “The Runaway Bride” or “Voyage ofContinue reading “On December’s Anticipations”
On Matt Smith, Craig Ferguson, and Doctor Who
With Doctor Who filming in Utah next week, Doctor Who star Matt Smith will be appearing on The Craig Ferguson Show. Ferguson, of course, is a known Doctor Who fan, as this monologue from his show back in June testifies… At the time of that episode, with Doctor Who heading breakneck towards The Big Bang,Continue reading “On Matt Smith, Craig Ferguson, and Doctor Who”
On “The Death of the Doctor”
In spite of my love for Lis Sladen, I don’t normally watch The Sarah Jane Adventures. I watched the first season and enjoyed it, mostly, but there were other things to do with my time and, to be honest, getting ahold of the episodes always seemed like more trouble than benefit. But I made anContinue reading “On “The Death of the Doctor””
On Speculations About Doctor Who’s Game-Changer
As I wrote about a few days ago, the upcoming episodes of Doctor Who will be split into two seasons — season six (7 episodes) at Easter, season seven (6 episodes) in the autumn. Showrunner Steven Moffat is quoted in The Guardian as saying that the sixth season (that being spring) will end with “anContinue reading “On Speculations About Doctor Who’s Game-Changer”
On Doctor Who’s Forthcoming Season
The sixth season of the new Doctor Who will be split in two; seven episodes airing from Easter, with the final six episodes airing later in the fall. According to the BBC’s press release: The split transmission is the result of a request from Steven Moffat to write a new Doctor Who story arc whichContinue reading “On Doctor Who’s Forthcoming Season”
On Writing Silly Short Stories
I Tweeted this morning that “I woke up with the feeling that I dreamt a short story, but the feeling doesn’t tell me what it was or anything about it, just that it was.” What that story was came to me, somewhere around 11:30. Unsurprisingly, my immediate thought was, “Wait, I dreamt that?‽!” Clearly, Sunday’sContinue reading “On Writing Silly Short Stories”