On Friday I went after work to see Alien vs. Predator. It’s not a great film, but I had fun with it. I’d say I mostly liked it. My screening of AVP was very much a communal activity, with applause at the end of the film (something I’ve only experienced twice) and some pretty sharpContinue reading “Alien vs. Predator”
Tag Archives: Film
A Tale of Two Films
Steve Roby reflected briefly upon last year’s film Paycheck in his blog yesterday. He wrote, “Paycheck had everything it needed to be a much better film than it ultimately turned out to be. Another disappointing movie based on a Philip K. Dick story? Who’d’ve guessed? (Well, Blade Runner and Minority Report turned out okay, evenContinue reading “A Tale of Two Films”
I, Robot
I wasn’t expecting much from I, Robot. The trailer was attached to damn near every movie released since last fall, which didn’t strike me as a positive sign. I had no expectations for Van Helsing, and came away totally disappointed. I had no expectations for Troy, and, save for Brad Pitt’s incongruous accent, enjoyed theContinue reading “I, Robot”
Fever Pitch
I noticed today in Entertainment Weekly a little blurb about Drew Barrymore and Jimmy Fallon looking at Fever Pitch as a possible film vehicle. My question is, Why? No, the Colin Firth/Ruth Gemmell film isn’t particularly well known, but it’s adequate, it hits its notes, and it’s, well, English. I’m having a hard time picturingContinue reading “Fever Pitch”
Hellboy on the silver screen
I saw the Hellboy movie a few days ago. I liked the film, though it’s not without some problems. The film’s greatest flaw is also, I think, it’s greatest strength–its fidelity to the source material. A person who knows the Hellboy comics will have a ball with this film, identifying which story which little throwawayContinue reading “Hellboy on the silver screen”
Shiny plastic discs
Let’s examine the last week’s DVD purchases. It’s an addiction, those shiny plastic discs of cinematic goodness. Thankfully, there’s a sale at work on pre-owned DVDs–buy two, get one for free. Oh, the pain! My job enables my addiction! The horror! Anyway, the purchases: About a Boy, the adaptation of Nick Hornby’s novel starring HughContinue reading “Shiny plastic discs”
Road to Perdition
Last night my sister and I went to see Tom Hanks’ new film, Road to Perdition. I’ve never been a gangster film fan. There’s something about the era of Al Capone and Eliot Ness that bores me to distraction. Perhaps it’s because I really don’t understand that era of American history. Perhaps it’s because IContinue reading “Road to Perdition”
On Star Trek Movie Names
Random brainwave I had this morning… The Classic Trek films had impressive sounding names. Maybe not impressive sounding, but descriptive. The Star Trek: The Next Generation films, by contrast, have positively dull names. If you were given the power to give the NextGen films names like the Classic Trek films, what names would you giveContinue reading “On Star Trek Movie Names”
On Alien3
I watched Alien3 last night. I hadn’t seen it in about two years, and I’d recently picked up Se7en on DVD and thought I’d watch another David Fincher film. Random thoughts…. Paul McGann is completely unrecognizable, and for the role he has I can’t figure how he ended up being fourth billed. He has allContinue reading “On Alien3”