I’ve written before about Darwin Award nominees. Today, let’s discuss a Darwin Award winner. Would you climb into a lion cage, proclaiming that God will protect you? No, neither would I. But for one man in Kiev his faith in God’s protection earned him a Darwin Award when a lionness knocked him down and rippedContinue reading “On a Darwin Award Winner”
Tag Archives: News
On a Baby with Three Arms
Today’s News of the Weird–a baby born in China has three arms, one on the right, two on the left. Doctors in Shanghai on Tuesday were considering surgery options for a 2-month-old boy born with an unusually well-formed third arm. Neither of the boy’s two left arms is fully functional and tests have so farContinue reading “On a Baby with Three Arms”
On the Important Things
What does President Bush rate as the best moment of his Presidency? The best thing that’s happened to him in the last five years? According to an interview in a German newspaper Bush cited catching a fish as the best moment of his Presidency. “You know, I’ve experienced many great moments and it’s hard toContinue reading “On the Important Things”
On Buying Rolling Stone
On Friday I bought the latest issue of Rolling Stone. I used to be an avid reader of Rolling Stone, but a few years ago I stopped for reasons I couldn’t begin to explicate. Oh, there was the feeling that the magazine had ceased to have any relevence to me or my tastes in music,Continue reading “On Buying Rolling Stone”
On a Bizarre Walking Behavior
News of the bizarre! Scientists have discovered a family in Turkey in which the five children walk on all fours because they’re unable to stand upright. They speculate that the children may have suffered a genetic disorder–their parents are noted as being closely related–and they’ve reverted to an instinctual form of human mobility. Rather thanContinue reading “On a Bizarre Walking Behavior”
On Bush's Stupid Remark
First, from the Daily Mirror: President Bush planned to bomb Arab TV station al-Jazeera in friendly Qatar, a “Top Secret” No 10 memo reveals. But he was talked out of it at a White House summit by Tony Blair, who said it would provoke a worldwide backlash. A source said: “There’s no doubt what BushContinue reading “On Bush's Stupid Remark”
On Christopher Walken
Noted actor Christopher Walken has announced his candidacy for President of the United States. The Walken 2008 website has few details on Walken’s positions on the issues of the day, nor does it offer a party affiliation for Mr. Walken. This quote on the front page provides some insight on his views: Our great countryContinue reading “On Christopher Walken”
On Daylight Savings Time
Yuck! Congress is considering a proposal to extend Daylight Savings Time. Currently it runs from the first Sunday in April to the last Sunday in October. The version contemplated by the Senate would move the beginning of DST to the middle of March and extend it to the first Sunday in November, while the HouseContinue reading “On Daylight Savings Time”
On Raleigh news coverage
It depresses me to write this, but I realized glumly that the only thing that kept the UNC basketball victory in last night’s game from dominating the front page of the morning’s newspaper was the Pope’s death. Anything less, and the only thing above the fold would have been the basketball game. Can’t you tell?Continue reading “On Raleigh news coverage”
On Nuclear Weapons
I heard about the North Korean nukes on the BBC World Service this morning on the way to work. I can’t say I was surprised. I can say I was disappointed. Not in the North Koreans–we knew what they were up to since the mid-90s. I was disappointed in the President for treating the NorthContinue reading “On Nuclear Weapons”