I received in the mail today an invitation from the University of Richmond Alumni Association. It seems that towards the end of July they are holding a function in the Raleigh area at a Durham Bulls baseball game. I’m tempted. I didn’t finish my degree at Richmond, so I don’t consider myself an alumnus, butContinue reading “An Invitation”
Tag Archives: Life
Half-way Through August
We’re halfway through August. How did that happen? Seems like just yesterday it was mid-May. Down here in North Carolina school has started back–none of that progressive after-Labor Day stuff like you find in the civilized portions of the world–and I think we’ve had rain every day since mid-March. It’s all really quite depressing. Well,Continue reading “Half-way Through August”
Who doesn’t have stress? Honestly? There’s always something that gnaws at the back of the mind, that the merest thought of brings a quickening of the pulse and a pounding in the head. Stress. Normally I’m a serene person, like a Zen master. Life generally doesn’t bother me, because what happens happens and you eitherContinue reading “Stress”
Adventures in Potterdom
The local Barnes & Noble held Friday night a Harry Potter release party. At midnight that night, Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix went on sale, and in the hours leading up to its release a number of activities were planned–readings, trivia contests, costume contests, cookies and punch, that sort of thing. FridayContinue reading “Adventures in Potterdom”
On How I Got Here
About two months ago, I guess, I was feeling particularly sentimental. It happens. Time changes people. I was a sad, sullen person at the age of twenty-five. At thirty, I feel genuinely happy, perhaps even content. It’s like the pieces of my life have come together well, and though there are some pieces of theContinue reading “On How I Got Here”
The sound! The sound!
That sound you hear is the sound of me flailing my head against the wall. Don’t worry. I do this when I get annoyed. I don’t think of myself as being easily annoyed. I roll with the punches fairly well. But sometimes… The reasons are trivial, and I won’t bore you with them. Sometimes peopleContinue reading “The sound! The sound!”
A customer came into the store today with his pet lizard, Diablo, situated on his shoulder. He said he had been feeding Diablo crickets. Suddenly, Diablo began to foam at the mouth. “He’s thirsty. He needs water! He’ll die if he doesn’t drink anything!” I ran into the back, pulled out a bottle of springContinue reading “Gagh!”
Public Service Announcement
With St. Patrick’s Day nearly here, with Leprechaun Pooh sitting next to my computer, I offer the following piece of wisdom, hard earned through experience. Green beer is an interesting way to put one in an Irish mood. Don’t try it with Guinness. It won’t work. You simply cannot turn Guinness green. There is, naturally,Continue reading “Public Service Announcement”
For the record
Some things simply should not be done. Chocolate covered gummy bears are an offense to the taste buds. That is all.
Christmas shopping
Ten days left, and I’m essentially done. Two years ago I started my Christmas shopping on December 23rd. It wasn’t intentional; I simply hadn’t had the time to do my shopping until I was up against that wall. My store had a staff of five that holiday season, and it seemed like all my timeContinue reading “Christmas shopping”