Yesterday brought two surprises. The first, and potentially the most important, was that I got my power back after five days. Raleigh, North Carolina was hit by a massive ice storm on last Wednesday, leaving upwards of 70 percent of the Raleigh/Durham area without electricity, and without electricity I had neither heat nor water. AfterContinue reading “Stalking the wild Harry Potter book”
Tag Archives: Life
I am Spartacus!
I am writing a book. There’s a scene in That Thing You Do when the Wonders are about to perform on television, and Lenny asks Skitch, “How did we get here?” And Skitch Patterson, with his Spartacus fixation, says, “I have brought you here, sir, for I am Spartacus.” It’s that sense of unreality thatContinue reading “I am Spartacus!”
The New Job
At the suggestion of Lee Jamilkowski I’m going to try and write a little more about me and who I am, and perhaps a little less about pop culture and my thoughts on it. Writing about happenings in the pop culture world comes naturally to me. Writing about myself does not. In any event, tomorrowContinue reading “The New Job”
Stones and Glass
I should be worried. I knew the two baseball teams in Gotham City without having to look it up. I even knew which league each team is in. (For those of you wondering, Gotham City hosts the Monarchs, of the National League, and the Knights, of the American League. The Monarchs replaced the Griffins, whoContinue reading “Stones and Glass”
On Random Weirdness
I’m milling about Barnes & Noble after work, two paperbacks in one hand, a Caffe Mocha in the other. I don’t have anywhere I need to be, I’m in no rush to go home, so I’ve been wandering aimlessly through the store. Up at the front there’s a display of Christmas cards, a whole tableContinue reading “On Random Weirdness”
Recent Ramblings
Pocket’s Strange New Worlds contest for this year closes on Tuesday, and I made four submissions this year. I liked this year’s batch of stories. One I’ve mentioned before, about Wesley Crusher and the man he replaced at the Enterprise-D’s conn. Another was about Robin Lefler and her nightmares. The third story was about EzriContinue reading “Recent Ramblings”
Checking Out of the Asylum
As some of you are aware, I’m picking up, leaving Pennsylvania, and heading south for North Carolina. Raleigh, to be exact. I’m looking forward to the move, see some new horizons, set some new courses in my life. Good stuff all around. 🙂 As a result, though, I won’t be around to fight the goodContinue reading “Checking Out of the Asylum”
On the Christmas Round-Up
Ah, Christmas. It’s over. I think I can breathe now. What an incredible Christmas! At Electronics Boutique, we would do as much in a single day as Payless would do in an entire week. There were moments of extreme insanity. I know people keep talking about the terrible recession we’ve found ourselves in, but IContinue reading “On the Christmas Round-Up”
On Getting the Job
Good news, everybody! I think I might’ve mentioned it a time or three, but I work for Electronics Boutique. You’re probably familiar with it; it’s one of the world’s leading software and video game retailers, and I’ve been working for them for close to two years now in a variety of capacities. What began asContinue reading “On Getting the Job”
On a Life Update
First, for those completely in the dark. I am an Assistant Manager for Electronics Boutique in the outer Philadelphia suburbs in southeastern Pennsylvania. It’s a decent enough job–it certainly pays well enough–and as things to do go I could certainly do far worse, which truth to tell, I have. As I’ve said, it’s a coolContinue reading “On a Life Update”