Last week NBC debuted a new Dracula mini-series, starring Jonathan Rhys Meyers as the sanguinary count. My immediate reaction, last week, was mixed. Other than the names of characters, the series has nothing in common with Bram Stoker’s novel. It was gorgeous to look at, from the costumes to the sets. Meyers held the screenContinue reading “Dracula Has Risen from the Grave!”
Category Archives: Television
The CW’s Reign: Initial Thoughts
I loved Showtime’s The Tudors. When it debuted I didn’t have Showtime (indeed, I never had Showtime during the run of the series), and when I saw the first season box set at Wal-Mart one evening I bought it on a whim and blitzed through the first season in a weekend. Utterly ahistorical, but slicklyContinue reading “The CW’s Reign: Initial Thoughts”
On Sherlock Holmes and Swapping Scripts
As people who follow me on Twitter know, I watch Elementary, CBS’s “Sherlock Holmes in present day New York City” series. I’ve gone from liking it (and calling it “House with murders”) to really enjoying it. There are people who won’t watch it because they think it’s a Sherlock rip-off or because they cast LucyContinue reading “On Sherlock Holmes and Swapping Scripts”
On Cricket, Flappers, and Downton Abbey
Last night we started with Bates walking out of prison and ended with Robert, Matthew, and Tom walking into the sunset. And in the two hours in between, there were headscratching moments, there were funny moments, there were touching moments, and there were stupid moments. Sometimes all at the same time! That’s the way ofContinue reading “On Cricket, Flappers, and Downton Abbey”
On the Gullibility of Cora Grantham
Before I dive into last night’s episode of the Crawley Chronicles, we now live in a world where there’s a Muppet Dowager Countess: Muppet Carson resembles, at least to my eyes, former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown far more than he resembles Jim Carter. Don’t try to take it seriously. You can’t. Otherwise you’ll wonderContinue reading “On the Gullibility of Cora Grantham”
On Downton Abbey’s Shocking Episode
At work, I’ve been discussing Downton Abbey with two of my coworkers. Monday morning, we all send out e-mails to each other so we can gossip and vent and discuss the previous night’s episode. Last night, of course, was a shocking episode. Perhaps the most shocking the series has done. Because of that, I’ve decidedContinue reading “On Downton Abbey’s Shocking Episode”
On Downton Abbey’s Boring Hour
Last night’s episode was a bit dull, wasn’t it? Or maybe it was that I wasn’t that engaged by the storylines. Ethel. Can she go away, please? It’s not Ethel and her situation that irks me. It’s Isobel and her reaction to Ethel’s situation that irks me. I know that Isobel feels like she needsContinue reading “On Downton Abbey’s Boring Hour”
On the Influence of Aliens at Downton Abbey
There really was a lot going on last night, and it moved very quickly. I was surprised when the clock struck ten and the episode was over. Though that was a good thing, too; I had to finish an article and send it to an editor before midnight last night, and I sent it atContinue reading “On the Influence of Aliens at Downton Abbey”
On the Return of Downton Abbey
Last night Downton Abbey returned to PBS for a two hour season premiere. Damn, I love that show. It can be incredibly cheesy at times, it’s not high drama, it wears its soap opera-ness on its sleeve; how to explain Matthew inheriting an insane fortune at the exact moment that Robert is ruined by bankruptcy?Continue reading “On the Return of Downton Abbey”
An Epiphany about A Charlie Brown Christmas
Tonight while watching A Charlie Brown Christmas, I noticed something that has escaped my attention for the past three decades. Early in the episode, Charlie Brown goes to Lucy at her psychiatrist’s booth. Realizing that Charlie Brown needs some direction in his life, she suggests that he should be the director of the Christmas play.Continue reading “An Epiphany about A Charlie Brown Christmas”