Thursday morning, on York Road, I saw a Cadillac slightly ahead of me bearing a “Ben Carson 2016” bumper sticker. If I could have jumped out of the Beetle, knocked on the window, and engaged the driver, a man of retirement age, in conversation, I would have asked him, “Why Ben Carson? What is itContinue reading “The Ben Carson Campaign”
Tag Archives: 2016 Election
Ted Cruz Needs a Dictionary
I’ve been saying this for years — Republicans are like Vizzini, the words they use do not mean what they think they mean. Writes Steve Benen at MSNBC: “Look, there’s no reason for ‘socialism’ to serve as a synonym for ‘stuff Republicans don’t like.’ It’s an actual word with a fairly specific meaning, involving publicContinue reading “Ted Cruz Needs a Dictionary”
The GOP’s 2016 Straw Poll
I received an e-mail today from the Republican National Committee. They wanted my input — mine! — on who their 2016 nominee should be! Friend, You are one of a handful of conservatives whom I have selected to take the confidential 2016 Presidential Straw Poll. The battle for the White House has already begun. That’sContinue reading “The GOP’s 2016 Straw Poll”