I haven’t had a lot to say recently. I’ve been busy with work, which has been more than a little hectic. I’ve been busy with writing, including an article that just won’t get itself right. And I haven’t been feeling any sort of creative. That said, I shall endeavor to be a better blogger forContinue reading “On a Fallow Period”
Tag Archives: Life
On a Black Friday Memory
I’ve little doubt that some of you reading this, perhaps many of you reading this, spent the day braving the shopping centers and malls, in search of Black Friday deals and making a dent in your Christmas shopping. I spent another Black Friday at the office. I had little on my plate today; I wroteContinue reading “On a Black Friday Memory”
On My Life, As a Reality Show
Some people are public. Some people are private. I'm a private person. I couldn't imagine myself as a star of a reality television series; besides the feeling that my life really isn't that interesting (sorry, not all writers lead Hemingway-esque lives, though I would settle for a Fitzgerald-ian life), even blogging skirts the level ofContinue reading “On My Life, As a Reality Show”
On Time, In a Bottle
I hate wearing a watch. I have two, presently. One, the one I wear daily, is a Lord of the Rings watch; on its face is a map of Eregion, and the only number on the face is 9, written using Tengwar script. The other, a Fossil watch, was given to me several years ago;Continue reading “On Time, In a Bottle”
On Facebook Follies
Facebook likes to make suggestions. It likes to show you things that it things you might be interested in. I wonder how it knows what I might be interested in. Because, truly, it seems to show me only things I don’t want to see. 😉 It’s the friending suggestions that I sometimes find unnerving. ItContinue reading “On Facebook Follies”
On the Simplicities of Binary Day 10-10-10
10-10-10. I’ve been calling today “Binary Day.” One-Zero-One-Zero-One-Zero. All ones and zeroes. A binary day. Oh, there have been others this year — in January and in November — but this particular Binary Day is unique. It’s the only Binary Day that is exactly the same on both sides of the Atlantic. Our British cousins,Continue reading “On the Simplicities of Binary Day 10-10-10”
On What I Miss About Childhood
At times, I miss the smell… Of cow manure. In my childhood years, I lived in Virginia's Shenandoah Valley. My elementary school, Linville-Edom, stood on a barely paved road in the midst of the valley's rolling farm country. Across the street was a farm. To either side of the school? Farms. And what was notableContinue reading “On What I Miss About Childhood”
On Awkward Subway Encounters
She sat hunched over on the subway car’s bench. It wasn’t the coat she wore that I noticed first — brown, long, heavy, wintry, a fur-lined hood, wholly inappropriate to the day’s weather. Rather, it was the savage odor that permeated the subway car — sweat and grime and soiled clothes. The smells mixed togetherContinue reading “On Awkward Subway Encounters”
On Chocolate-Covered Gummi Bears and Other Things
Recently I discovered the greatest food invented by the mind of man. Juice-filled gummi bears. Long have I had a passion for gummi bears. I liked going to a candy store at the mall and filling a bag with scoops of gummis right out of the bin. I like gummi bears soft and chewy. IContinue reading “On Chocolate-Covered Gummi Bears and Other Things”
On Contemplating Pseudonyms
Many years ago, when I was a manager for EB Games, I told a friend of mine that I did some writing on the side and that someday I hoped to be published. "Do you write under your own name? Or do you use a pseudonym?" he asked. "Under my own name," I said. "I'veContinue reading “On Contemplating Pseudonyms”