Something fun to start off the week… Allyn Gibson – a teaspoon of trustworthiness– a teaspoon of athleticism– 1/4 cup of confidence Blend together quickly and serve. ‘What is your personality recipe?’ at
Tag Archives: Silly
On The Weird Things From My Keyboard
Sometimes I shock even myself. Yes, I did, in fact, in all seriousness, suggest a “Star Trek Meets The Vampire Lestat” crossover. But what would the reaction be? Well, I think I have it pegged right when I wrote: Though if there’s a homoerotic undertone to the meeting of Lestat and Picard, I think fandomContinue reading “On The Weird Things From My Keyboard”
On Frequent Mis-Types
I tend to mistype the same words in the same way. Manga, for example. I generally type “mange.” As in, “Anime and mange are popular Japanese art styles.” Or for LiveJournal? I usually type “LiverJournal.” Liver Journal. Umm, yeah. Fingers go so fast! I do like mange, though. Put it down, because it’s rabid. 😆
On the Blame Game
I see on several friends’ blogs and LJs a new game. The meme: Type “[[your name]] looks like” into Google (with the quotes), and post as many results as you like. Well, I want to play a different game. The Blame Game. Same rules. But instead, we’ll punch the phrase “blame [[Name]]” into Google (andContinue reading “On the Blame Game”
On Tonight’s Discovery
I’ve just discovered. If I stick my tongue on my Talking Dalek Bottle Opener, much as I would stick my tongue on a 9-volt, the Dalek says, “Exterminate!” I’m not sure anyone wants anything shouting “Exterminate!” that close to your face, but there it is. My discovery of the day! I can work the bottleContinue reading “On Tonight’s Discovery”
On Allyn Codes
One of my readers has asked me a very strange question. “You know how there’s a code in the Bible?” (Speaking, of course, of The Bible Code, that book of errant nonsense. You can find the same damn stuff in Moby-Dick.) “I bet there’s a code in your work. I bet there’s a code inContinue reading “On Allyn Codes”
On the Latest Spam Annoyances
Last week I went through my spam folder in my e-mail client. One, I wanted to make sure that no good e-mails had slipped through the cracks. Fortunately, not. And two, I wanted to go through the word salad spams and see if I could find some completely batshit phrase that might make for aContinue reading “On the Latest Spam Annoyances”
On New Levels of Fannishness
I had to write up a product description for something Doctor Who-ish — Creation is doing some Who shotglasses with the TARDIS and the series logo. I needed something catchy. Something the Doctor would drink. It came to me. I typed it up, giggling all the way. Something along the lines of “If you’re goingContinue reading “On New Levels of Fannishness”
On Weights and Measures
Anyone reading this should be familiar with the concept of the airspeed velocity of the unladen swallow. If you’re not familiar with the concept, then why do I know you? Why are you reading this? 😈 Ahem. Sorry. Naturally, oddball weights and measures have a certain appeal. Err. Naturally? Why did I use the wordContinue reading “On Weights and Measures”
On Greek Philosophers Online
This is a rather amusing article: What if the Greek philosophers were into social networking like Facebook? Glaucon and Cephalus rant about Donna Noble and Martha Jones, while Polemarchus tries to figure out how to beat a speeding ticket. And in the middle? Socrates is hopelessly lost. I vowed recently that I would never readContinue reading “On Greek Philosophers Online”