Just recently on the UK talkshow Jonathan Ross a clip was shown of the upcoming Doctor Who episode “Utopia.” At a guess, I’d say this is probably the pre-credits teaser. I won’t post a link to it, if you’ve not seen it, but I found it on YouTube–that’s all I’ll say about that. 😉 SpoilersContinue reading “On the "Utopia" Preview”
Tag Archives: Tenth-Doctor
On "The Lazarus Experiment" and Other Who Stuff
Before we get to “The Lazarus Experiment,” the latest episode of Doctor Who‘s third season, let’s look at two new Doctor Who drabbles I wrote and uploaded to the website. The first, “Recitals,” is a tenth Doctor/Martha drabble about, yes, a poetry recital. (There’s no spoilers, for those unfamiliar with Martha.) The second, “Coffee Bars,”Continue reading “On "The Lazarus Experiment" and Other Who Stuff”
On Kylie Minogue and Who stuff
Kylie Minogue will be guest-starring in the 2007 Doctor Who Christmas special. Reports say that she will be portraying a Cyberman. Minogue has been a known Doctor Who fan for a long time. There’s a photograph of her asleep with a Doctor Who novel–Lloyd Rose’s Camera Obscura, if I remember correctly. If she wants toContinue reading “On Kylie Minogue and Who stuff”
On "Gridlock"
About a year ago when the new Doctor Who‘s second season began a frequent chorus was heard in online fandom–“David Tennant is good, but I can’t help but wonder how Christopher Eccleston would have been.” Tennant seemed traditionally Doctorish, while Eccleston’s performance was something else, like a force of nature. Eventually the chorus died downContinue reading “On "Gridlock"”
On "School Reunion"
Thanks to the kindness of a beagle I watched “School Reunion”–the second season Doctor Who episode with Sarah Jane Smith–today. Lawrence Miles is, in my opinion, off-base in his criticism of the episode. Miles criticizes “School Reunion” as being a prototypical example of “cult television.” Indeed, the episode structure does resemble a typical 1987-2004 StarContinue reading “On "School Reunion"”
On the Cybermen
Today the BBC released pictures of the Cybermen as they will appear in the upcoming season of Doctor Who. Let’s take a look, shall we? Looks pretty spiffy, doesn’t it? 🙂
On Stephen Fry and Doctor Who
Stephen Fry is in talks to write an episode of Doctor Who. Intriguing news, this is. I’ve enjoyed Fry’s novels. He’s clearly a science fiction fan to judge by Making History, and he’s certainly a fan of Doctor Who in particular. He gave a fantastic performance in the Doctor Who audio, Death Comes to Time,Continue reading “On Stephen Fry and Doctor Who”
On the next Doctor's costume
New Doctor Who actor David Tennant has made his preference for his Doctor’s attire plain: he wants to wear a kilt. Frankly, I think that’s pretty cool. 🙂
On the next Doctor
As I mentioned a few days ago Doctor Who star Christopher Eccleston will be leaving the program at the end of this season, the new series’ first. Eccleston is under contract for a second season. He’s said he just won’t do it. The BBC could force Eccleston to fulfill the terms of his contract, butContinue reading “On the next Doctor”