Three weeks ago I’d mentioned how some phrases kept turning up in my search logs, phrases related to LEGO Doctor Who. Strangely, after writing about the need for LEGO Doctor Who products, people stopped “asking.” Go figure. Howsomever, LEGO searches have remained popular. Just from the last week: LEGO Batman Killer Croc LEGO Frodo StarContinue reading “On Other Needed LEGOs”
Tag Archives: Lego
On Needed LEGOs
I’ve noticed some interesting — and similar — search phrases in the logs recently. Phrases such as: LEGO Sarah Jane LEGO Doctor Who LEGO Daleks LEGO Doctor Who video game Yes, there are people out there wanting information on LEGO Doctor Who products. LEGO Doctor Who! There are LEGO Star Wars sets. LEGO Batman sets.Continue reading “On Needed LEGOs”
On LEGO Madness
I had linked to this several years ago, but when going back through the archives adding tags in the spring I discovered that, alas, the URL no longer worked. So, with great reluctance, I deleted the post. It didn’t work, and I didn’t want someone stumbling across it and becoming confused by a 404. HereContinue reading “On LEGO Madness”
On Seafaring LEGO Men
The ocean gives up its secrets. In the Dutch village of Zandvoort, the secret was… An eight-foot tall LEGO man. The eight foot tall smiling Lego man with a yellow head and blue torso was seen bobbing in the sea in the Dutch resort of Zandvoort yesterday. LEGO men, lost at sea. Surely, this blueContinue reading “On Seafaring LEGO Men”
On LEGO Indiana Jones
The man in the hat is back, and this time he’s LEGO! Yes, LucasArts is making a LEGO Indiana Jones video game for release in the summer of 2008, in time for the fourth Indiana Jones film. From the Press Release: Developed by the same team at Traveller’s Tales that created the LEGO Star Wars™Continue reading “On LEGO Indiana Jones”
On Today's Weird Search Phrase
I am a stats fiend. I admit it, anyone who knows me knows I know numbers. Since I installed the Automattic Stats plug-in for WordPress I’ve been getting lots of really interesting data. It’s no trouble at all to just fire up the WordPress admin screens and take a look at how many hits I’veContinue reading “On Today's Weird Search Phrase”
On Some Really Cool LEGO Videos
I love LEGO. But not as much as some people love LEGO. These people love LEGO. And stop-motion. And making videos. Grand Theft Auto: LEGO City. LEGO Halo 2. The first takes one of the Grand Theft Auto: Vice City commercials and redoes it using LEGO. The second takes one of the Halo 2 trailersContinue reading “On Some Really Cool LEGO Videos”
On Prezzies
It’s been a quiet Christmas in Lake Wobegon, my hometown. Wait, that’s not right. It’s been a quiet Christmas. Slept late. Opened presents well past noon. Ate some cookies. Drank some nog. What did I get? A Fossil watch. Despite the tag saying that I can adjust the links myself, I can’t get the damnedContinue reading “On Prezzies”
More on LEGO Star Wars II
I sat down today and played through several levels of LEGO Star Wars II. I have almost enough LEGO studs to purchase my save file from the first game. That’s a mite disappointing, that I have to buy something that’s already on my XBox’s hard drive, but that’s how the game is, so I justContinue reading “More on LEGO Star Wars II”
On LEGO Star Wars II
LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy came out today. You pick your system, it’s available for it. Xbox. 360. PlayStation 2. GameCube. GameBoy Advance. Nintendo DS. Sony PSP. You want it, you can play it. True, multi-platform goodness. Star Wars and LEGOs, the two universals. I picked one up today for the XBox. It’sContinue reading “On LEGO Star Wars II”