Within the last month, comment spam on my blog has gone from fairly minimal to fairly insane. Fortunately, I have traps in place to catch, but I’ve had to implement something I’m not a fan of — setting it so that comments don’t appear until I approve them if the person has never commented before.Continue reading “On the Archetypal Allyn”
Tag Archives: Life
On Unfinished Tales
When last we met, slightly more than a week ago, I was ruminating on the worthy idea that Hillary Clinton would make an excellent Supreme Court justice. And, it turns out, Bill Clinton thinks the same, though he admits that it won’t happen. This is the longest I’ve gone without blogging in three years. ItContinue reading “On Unfinished Tales”
On the Lack of Blog Posts
Occasionally, I hit periods where I have nothing to say. Occasionally, I hit periods where I’m too busy to say anything. The last two weeks? They’ve been a little bit of both. Though more the latter than the former. I was on deadline for an article. I was also mildly sick. Article got done. TheContinue reading “On the Lack of Blog Posts”
On Maryland Transit Suckitude
The four feet of snow that fell during Blizzardammerung and its kissing cousin Blizzardammerung II linger on the Maryland landscape like a festering malignancy. I look out at the frozen wastes from my sixth floor office, and I think I should elk and moose wandering the glacier that now lays across the hills and dalesContinue reading “On Maryland Transit Suckitude”
On the Thursday View
I wrote a lot of words today. My brain hamster is really tired. I worked that poor hamster. I made him get up in the spinning wheel. I made him run fast faster fastest. I wouldn’t let the hamster rest. The hamster ran and ran and ran. The end results I was pleased with. SomeContinue reading “On the Thursday View”
On Monday Stuff
After changing the typeface for my blog to Georgia last week — because I wanted a serif font for the body text, rather than a sans-serif font — I changed my mind and went to Palatino Linotype. It’s nothing against Georgia. It’s a nice font. But Palatino Linotype is me. It’s what I work in.Continue reading “On Monday Stuff”
On the Closing of Borders
The local Borders is closing. I went to the mall last night. Years ago, Owings Mill Mall was nice, upscale, nearly 100% occupancy. These days, it’s run down, junky, and vast sections of storefronts stand empty. Mainly, I wanted to go to GameStop and cash out an old pre-order, which the employees wouldn’t do. IContinue reading “On the Closing of Borders”
On a Malarkey of Luggage
She was surrounded by luggage. I boarded the Light Rail train at Cultural Center, after running hard for half a block in sub-freezing cold, just to be sure that I would not have to wait fifteen minutes for the next Hunt Valley train. As I surmounted the stairs into the railcar I saw a womanContinue reading “On a Malarkey of Luggage”
On Multiple Monday Musings
I have nothing profound to say today. I feel as though I’ve been on a roll the past few days.
On a Letter to Myself, Aged Sixteen
Dear Allyn, aged sixteen, In many ways, you and I are strangers. The passage of twenty years will do that, making strangers of even the closest of friends, and you and I are closer than friends, family, even brothers. You are me at sixteen, I am you at thirty-six. Twenty years. You may find itContinue reading “On a Letter to Myself, Aged Sixteen”