Two packages arrived in the mail yesterday. The first had Michael Moorcock’s Gloriana, a fantasy novel about Elizabeth I’s reign. I’d seen the book, recently issued in a new edition, in Barnes & Noble a time or three but hadn’t, for whatever reason, picked up a copy. So when the Science Fiction Book Club offeredContinue reading “On More Books in the Mail”
Tag Archives: Silly
On the Things Employees Say
“Have you seen the Helen Keller quarter?” asked my employee. “Yes,” I replied with a shrug. What had this to do with anything? He said nothing for a few moments. Then, “There’s a Helen Keller quarter?” A bizarre turn. “She’s on the Alabama quarter.” “Helen Keller is on a quarter?” Now thoroughly confused by thisContinue reading “On the Things Employees Say”
On Wookies
Today’s Penny Arcade comic may be one of the funniest takes on Star Wars I’ve ever seen. I can’t imagine Uncle George will be pleased, but who gives a toss what Uncle George thinks? He put fart jokes in The Phantom Menace. It’s only a short hop from there to crude, sexual humor. Enjoy!
Today's Weirdness
I had no idea. Dolphins have no legal standing to sue the United States government in general and the Bush administration in particular. We should thank the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals for clearing up that burning legal issue.
An E-mail from… Skaro?!?
Received recently in the inbox: Good morning, sir, I hope I find you in fine health. I am writing to you on a matter of the most supreme emergency. As you may have read in the newspapers, the chief scientist Professor Hilary Davros is fleeing for his life from the Kaled dome. He has askedContinue reading “An E-mail from… Skaro?!?”
On a Martian News Release
Passed along without comment. 🙂 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Martian Air Force denies UFO crash Gusev Crater (MPI) – A spokesthing for Mars Air Force denounced as false rumors that an alien spacecraft crashed in the desert, outside of Ares Vallis on Saturday. Appearing at a press conference today, General Rgrmrmy The Lesser stated that “theContinue reading “On a Martian News Release”
Weird as Hell
An e-mail message I received. It reads like spam, but if it’s from a spam-master, it’s from the most fucked up spam-master ever…. Hello, If you are a time traveler or alien and or in possession of government or alien technology I need your help! My entire life and health has been messed with byContinue reading “Weird as Hell”