Yesterday. The XBox 360 launched. System allocations were extremely tight. Microsoft cut allocations twice in the weeks running up to the November 22nd launch resulting in a few customer service issues. But by Monday customers who knew they wouldn’t be getting a system on Launch Day seemed pretty accepting of the fact, and yesterday’s launchContinue reading “On Pre-Thanksgiving”
Tag Archives: Video Games
On Xbox 360 Compatibility
Microsoft released today a list of XBox games that will be playable on the XBox 360 with the optional hard drive installed. The list runs to about two hundred games across many genres. For many customers at work one of the selling points for the XBox 360 would be its ability to play the current-generationContinue reading “On Xbox 360 Compatibility”
On Cow Tipping
Physicists study strange things. Like how many people it takes to tip a cow. In their words, it takes five people to apply sufficient force to tip over a sleeping cow. I disagree. It does not take five people to tip over a sleeping cow. It does, however, take more than one. Cows weigh aContinue reading “On Cow Tipping”
More on Civilization Anonymous
I mentioned CivAnon, an organization devoted to helping persons addicted to the computer game Civilization about a month ago. It’s a spoof organization, a really good marketing ploy, if you ask me. Poking around their website I found their public service announcement which features some of the funniest characters I’ve seen in a long time.Continue reading “More on Civilization Anonymous”
On the Nintendo Revolution Controller
You can’t play a video game without the controller. The controller is the player’s interface with the system and the game. Nintendo has, like Sony and Microsoft, been developing a new system, code-named Revolution, for launch next year to replace the GameCube. Nintendo has always been tight with information on their products, and there hadContinue reading “On the Nintendo Revolution Controller”
On the Xbox 360 Release
November 22nd. That is the day Microsoft’s XBox 360 will hit stores. Mark your calendars! 🙂
On a PlayStation 2 Problem
I have a slim-line PlayStation 2. The original model of the PlayStation 2, released in 2000, was supplanted with a newer, smaller, slimmer model in the fall of 2004, and I traded my old, clunky, big system in toward the small system when it released. Now, Sony has issued a recall on the slim PS2Continue reading “On a PlayStation 2 Problem”
On Grand Theft Auto: The Less Naughty Version
I am asked almost daily, “When’s the cleaned-up version of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas coming out?” Next week, as it turns out. It seems that we’re the only retailer still carrying the Adults-Only rated version of the game. Our competitors all pulled it, sometimes hypocritically, based on the merchandise they sell. But for thoseContinue reading “On Grand Theft Auto: The Less Naughty Version”
On the Literary Perfect Dark
When Microsoft’s XBox 360 launches this fall, the expectation is that the system’s must-have game will be Perfect Dark Zero, the prequel to the best-selling first-person shooter Perfect Dark on the Nintendo 64. But wait! some fanboys are saying. Isn’t there already a prequel to Perfect Dark? Wasn’t it called GoldenEye, since Perfect Dark wasContinue reading “On the Literary Perfect Dark”
On Civilization Addiction
CivAnon, an organization for people addicted to playing Sid Meier’s Civilization computer games, whatever their forms. A twelve-step program for people who need to play just one more turn. An amusing website for those who have spent too much time marshalling their forces for the knock-out blow. 🙂