A clipping from the Stumptown Progressive… The hometown crowd witnessed something they had never before seen — the umpires examining a baseball for scuff marks and paint — when the Lake Wobegon Whippets took on rival Stumptown at Olaf Field Friday night. The drama came in the top of the seventh inning when Whippets secondContinue reading “Last Night in Stumptown”
Tag Archives: A Prairie Home Companion
Of Stumptown and Opening Day
It’s April. Spring is officially here. Baseball is back. Opening Day is more like “Opening Days” — three games yesterday, a few more today, a few more tomorrow, and then the season and the daily grind begins in earnest on Wednesday. Nothing says baseball more than Charles Schulz’s Peanuts, what with Charlie Brown and hisContinue reading “Of Stumptown and Opening Day”
On the Eve of Garrison Keillor’s Final Prairie Home Companion
Tonight, Garrison Keillor is recording his final A Prairie Home Companion, to be broadcast tomorrow night in its regular time slot. There’s a certain sadness to this. My parents have listened to A Prairie Home Companion for decades, and I seem to recall that they went to a live show in the early 90s. IContinue reading “On the Eve of Garrison Keillor’s Final Prairie Home Companion”