The release of US and international Prometheus trailers in the past twenty-four hours has made me think — which of this year’s summer movies am I interested in seeing? Which am I likely to see? Let’s run down the list… The Avengers, May 4 — No, emphatically no. I’m far more interested in The BestContinue reading “On the Summer’s Movie Slate”
Tag Archives: Aliens
AVP: The Alternate Beginning
Alien versus Predator‘s DVD package proudly proclaims on its front, “With an Alternate Beginning never shown in theaters!” Okay. Don’t get excited. The alternate beginning is a roughly one-minute long pre-credits teaser that shows what happened the last time the Predators visited their Antarctic hunting grounds. I thought it would have been in the deletedContinue reading “AVP: The Alternate Beginning”
Alien vs. Predator
On Friday I went after work to see Alien vs. Predator. It’s not a great film, but I had fun with it. I’d say I mostly liked it. My screening of AVP was very much a communal activity, with applause at the end of the film (something I’ve only experienced twice) and some pretty sharpContinue reading “Alien vs. Predator”
On the Upcoming Aliens Vs Predator Film
There’s an Aliens Vs. Predator film coming out this August. Directed by Paul Anderson, director of the hugely underrated Event Horizon. Some friends think this is the worst thing since I don’t know what, but I’m actually excited by the prospect. Aliens! Predators! 🙂 I’ve always thought an Aliens vs. Predator film could be good.Continue reading “On the Upcoming Aliens Vs Predator Film”
On Alien3
I watched Alien3 last night. I hadn’t seen it in about two years, and I’d recently picked up Se7en on DVD and thought I’d watch another David Fincher film. Random thoughts…. Paul McGann is completely unrecognizable, and for the role he has I can’t figure how he ended up being fourth billed. He has allContinue reading “On Alien3”