Batman Adventures Volume 2 DC Comics Written by Kelley Puckett Art by Mike Parobeck and Rich Burchett If you were to ask me who my three favorite Batman artists were, you could make a decent guess at my age. Or at least, when I was really reading comic books. Those three artists would be JimContinue reading “Things I’ve Been Reading: Batman Adventures Volume 2”
Tag Archives: Batgirl
On Cyberspace and the New Batgirl
The shoe that I’ve been fearing to drop since last week dropped today. The new Batgirl in the DC Universe will be Barbara Gordon, not Stephanie Brown. For me, that’s a big deal. I mentioned in passing last week that I absolutely adore the current Batgirl series. I didn’t want to love it — StephanieContinue reading “On Cyberspace and the New Batgirl”
On Flashpoint and the New DC Universe
Two weeks ago, I ruminated on DC Comics’ Flashpoint event and what it might mean for Batman comics. Well, earlier this week, DC Comics announced what’s coming down the road — the DC Universe as we know it will change radically in September. Comics fandom has been beside itself since Tuesday trying to figure outContinue reading “On Flashpoint and the New DC Universe”
On Things I’ve Been Reading
Let’s talk some recent comic books… Batgirl #1 DC Comics Written by Bryan Q. Miller Art by Lee Garbett and Trevor Scott I hated it. And I liked it. We’ll start there. There’s a new Batgirl in Gotham City. Stephanie Brown, formerly Spoiler, formerly the fourth Robin, has promised her occasional boyfriend, Tim Drake, formerlyContinue reading “On Things I’ve Been Reading”
On Random Observations
Here’s a collection of random ramblings taken from recent e-mails and ‘net postings, just to keep casual readers up-to-date on the things Allyn Gibson has written elsewhere…. On Jean-Luc Picard: The Buried Age is a “Lost Era” novel. It’s about Picard’s “lost weekend” when he went to L.A., hung out with Harry Nilsson, recorded anContinue reading “On Random Observations”
On Childhood Television Crushes
As seen on Bill Leisner‘s LiveJournal: List five fictional people — from television, movies, books, whatever — that you had a crush on as a child (or early teens). Then post this on your LiveJournal so other people can be assured that you’re as weird as they thought. 5. Vina (Susan Oliver of Star Trek:Continue reading “On Childhood Television Crushes”
The Birds of Prey Premiere
The first episode of Birds of Prey was interesting. The plot didn’t hang together all that well, and I’m leery of some of the changes made to the characters, settings, etc. I’ve no complaints with Oracle, and I liked the nod toward Earth-2 continuity with Helena Wayne, erm, Kyle, even if the angst she hadContinue reading “The Birds of Prey Premiere”