Carl Sagan, on His Ninetieth Birthday

Carl Sagan, the astronomer and writer, would have turned 90 today. When I was seven, I watched Cosmos on PBS with my dad. In many ways, I credit my atheism to this formative experience. (Also formative, the Ichthus Christian music festival, but that doesn’t have anything to do with Sagan.) Sagan died in December 1996,Continue reading “Carl Sagan, on His Ninetieth Birthday”

On Childhood Memories and the Christmas Sensawunder

As I left the office Monday evening, the moon, a waxing crescent, held in the sky to the south southwest. There was a planet nearby in the sky, I presumed it was Jupiter, just from its brightness, but I didn’t honestly know. In general, the sky was remarkably clear. Monday had been a brutally windyContinue reading “On Childhood Memories and the Christmas Sensawunder”

On Carl Sagan’s “A Glorious Dawn”

“If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe.” “The sky calls to us; if we do not destroy ourselves, we will one day venture to the stars.” For someone who watched Cosmos at a young age and had his life shaped by it, this video is reallyContinue reading “On Carl Sagan’s “A Glorious Dawn””