Terminal Madness

The last month has felt like a year, and I spent Saturday decompressing. And Sunday. And what’s a fun way to decompress? Play with Linux! First, I wanted a terminal-based music player for my Debian CTWM install, so I installed MOC. Then, I wanted a terminal-based email client. I tried Neomutt first, and after anContinue reading “Terminal Madness”

Industrial Brutalism

Last year I developed a configuration for the CTWM window manager for Linux. It wasn’t anything remarkable, just an attempt at recreating the Linux Mint ethos in something that’s a lot older and far more retro, and I still use it to this day. It’s a retro, distraction free working environment. It’s not pretty, butContinue reading “Industrial Brutalism”

Revisiting a Retro Linux Desktop

Over the last month, I’ve return to a project I worked on in the fall — making a theme for the CTWM window manager for Linux. I started working on it in October, and reached a point where it looked nice enough, but it wasn’t finished. The config was messy, and I planned to revisitContinue reading “Revisiting a Retro Linux Desktop”

Changing up the Desktop

Discovering NASA’s Flickr photo archive this week was nice, as it game me an opportunity to update a desktop wallpaper. Notice the use of a. Manjaro My Manjaro installation probably could have used a refresh. Now it looks like this. It’s KDE with the Sweet Ambar Blue theme, the Candy icon set, and the PlankContinue reading “Changing up the Desktop”