Deja vu. The sense that something you’ve just witnessed, something you’ve just felt happened to you before. I’ve suffered from this feeling. I’m sure every one of you reading this has as well. I can even tell you what deja vu likely is — the brain’s visual cortex gets out of sync and processes theContinue reading “On that Feeling of Deja Vu”
Tag Archives: deja vu
On Deja Vu
I had an attack of deja vu at work today. Very disconcerting.
On Deja Vu
I call them “deja vu moments”–time seems to stop, and for the briefest of moments I know I’ve “seen” this before. Tonight, while straining macaroni I had a “deja vu moment.” Yesterday, scribbling some notes at work, I had one. A few days ago, while doing nothing of any import at work, I had another.Continue reading “On Deja Vu”