I arrived home from work yesterday to find that three packages had arrived. One package was a Monty Python CD. I mentioned a few weeks ago that I had none of the comedy troupe’s recorded albums. Now I own six. Of the studio albums, I now lack only Another Monty Python Record and Matching ShirtContinue reading “On Two Doctors and Their T-Shirts”
Tag Archives: Doctor Pooh
On a Doctor Pooh T-Shirt
I’ve gone and I’ve done it. I’ve bought a tee-shirt from Qwertee. Qwertee is the UK equivalent of TeeFury, a website that sells limited edition t-shirts that break copyright a million ways to Tuesday for a limited time. Qwertee’s design today is of Doctor Pooh, a Time Lord of Very Little Brain. As designed byContinue reading “On a Doctor Pooh T-Shirt”
On New Avatars
Look for Allyn Gibson around the ‘net, and chances are there’s a little South Park Allyn attached to the posting. Which is fine, but I’ve been using some variant on that venerable icon for a number of years. I needed a new look. I’d branched out maybe a year ago; I started using my name,Continue reading “On New Avatars”