Alas! The wonderful website for Dylan Hears a Who — the concept album of Bob Dylan (or a reasonable fascimile thereof) interpreting Dr. Seuss favorites — is no more. The Ted Geisel estate, it turns out, wasn’t amused. I have mine. I have the mp3s. I have the cover art, front and back. I’ll listenContinue reading “On “Dylan Hears a Who””
Tag Archives: Dr.-Seuss
On a Strange Bob Dylan Project
Bob Dylan Hears a Who. And The Cat in the Hat. And Green Eggs and Ham. Bob Dylan doing Dr. Seuss. 🙂 Okay, it’s not really Bob Dylan. But it’s a reasonable fascimile, and… it works. It works surprisingly well. It’s not just one song, like Fleming & John’s “Winter Wonderland” in the style ofContinue reading “On a Strange Bob Dylan Project”
On Suessian Poetry
Bill Leisner pointed this out–if the Bush Administration were a Doctor Suess poem, what would it be like? I’m the decider. I pick and I choose. I pick among whats. And choose among whos. And as I decide Each particular day The things I decide on All turn out that way. There’s more, a lotContinue reading “On Suessian Poetry”